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[70后专属] My partner in the rest of my life

发表于 30-4-2017 22:08:47|来自:新西兰 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Good evening to whom the marriage notice is concerned!

This is a Chinese website. How come I type in English? It's not because I want to show off my proficiency in the language or something else, it's because I am used to do that and people from other races also access this website, albeit not so many to do so. Being Bilingual, I am well-versed in Chinese language, too.

Now I present you a brief self-introduction. I will communicate with  you in detail if you contact me.

Many people say I look like Tom Cruise, so I assign my self a Christian name :Tom. I am Singaporean, 44( looks like only 30 something) ,male,strong, robust,well built with average height. After long time study, I got a diploma in Mechatronics Engineering from Singapore Polytechnic and bachelor degree of same major from the University of Newcastle, Australia. Currently I work in an American MNC of semiconductor industry as an Equipment Engineer with decent pay.During my entire career life I mostly worked in manufacturing companies except for 4 years in A*star which is a governmental R&D institution as a research officer .As an  Engineer or Research Officer, I need to bear responsibility to whatever things I do, so I am serious, reliable and trust-worth, gentleman kind. However I am also not a stereo-type of guy, sometimes can be humorous.Once in a while ,I would like to crack a joke and make everyone laugh.

Currently I reside in my HDB flat around central AMK.

I hope to find a lovely , active, easy-going girl with amicable character, good temperament and personality, always optimistic ,full of smile and laughter. It's better she owns a diploma or above and had educational background in English which is the media in this country, after all.
I can be reached through  email [email protected] or qq:1438896748 or wechat POO58579.

Many thanks and warm regards,




       很多人都说我长得像汤姆.克鲁斯. 我就起了个洋名:汤姆。新加坡人,44 岁(显年轻),中等身材。经过多年的学习,先后拿到了本地政府的专科文凭和澳大利亚的本科文凭。学的都是机械与电子专业。我懂中英文。                                                                  

本人现任职于一家美国半导体公司, 工程师。工作轻松,稳定, 收入还好。


      写英文不为别的, 只为方便和照顾一些非华族。再说也浅显易懂。希望她活泼开朗,温柔随和, 脾气好,知书达礼。

      有意者请联系qq:1438896748或[email protected] 或 微信: POO58579。然后再详谈,非诚勿扰。


发表于 30-4-2017 23:05:39|来自:新西兰 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 30-4-2017 23:06:02|来自:新西兰 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 30-4-2017 23:06:16|来自:新西兰 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 6-5-2017 12:23:29|来自:新西兰 | 显示全部楼层
Hi ! Good afternoon!ladies and girls,Welcome you to read my notice of marriage!If you prefer to read Chinese, I can type more Chinese in future.I am a warm-hearted man ,a gentleman.We may not end up being a couple.However we can always end up being friends,Singapore is so small,anytime we can meet each other or contact each other through various means:email,phone call,wechat message,etc.Even if you are in China,it's also not difficult to have face-to face conversation as nowadays everybody can afford to travel by air or through budget airline if you are not so well off.So,do not have any worry or be shy,feel free to contact me,I am right here to get back to you!

Your sincerely,

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发表于 6-5-2017 19:04:52|来自:新西兰 | 显示全部楼层
嗨! 下午好!女士们,欢迎你阅读我的婚姻通知!如果你喜欢阅读中文,我可以在将来输入更多的中文。我是一个温暖的人,一个绅士。我们可能不会成为一对夫妇 但是,我们永远都可以成为朋友,新加坡是如此之小,任何时候我们可以通过各种方式相互见面或相互联系:电子邮件,电话,短信等。即使你在中国,也不难 要面对面交谈,现在每个人都可以负担得起乘坐飞机,或者通过廉价航空公司旅行,如果你不是那么好,那么你不用担心,不要害羞,随时和我联系,我在这里 尽快给您回复!

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发表于 6-5-2017 21:34:06|来自:新西兰 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
楼主 你是来搞笑的吧!这是华文网站,不认识华文的人能来这个网站?能点看你的帖子?观察你的帖子,你是帖帖离不了英文,人家楼主发华文帖,你回帖还是英文。
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发表于 7-5-2017 18:22:29|来自:新西兰 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
funny intro
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发表于 16-5-2017 20:44:26|来自:新西兰 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
It's so troublesome to type Chinese characters albeit I know how to do. Excuse me, Singapore is an English speaking country, everyone knows the language.
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发表于 16-5-2017 20:46:20|来自:新西兰 | 显示全部楼层

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