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楼主: tuzi2011


发表于 23-7-2017 15:24:09|来自:广东深圳 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 tuzi2011 于 23-7-2017 16:46 编辑

1. The memories are hazy now.   记忆已经模糊了。
2. Our marriage is rock solid.   我们的婚姻很稳固。
   ►rock-solid 坚挺如岩石的;稳若盘石的;毫不动摇的,绝对可靠的
   e.g. Freeze it only until firm but not rock solid. 把它冻硬,但是不要硬得像石头一样。
3. Now you're talking.   这个主意还不错。
4. How could you hold it back ?   你干吗瞒我呀?
    ►hold back
    ►(1)不向(某人)透露情况,隐瞒   e.g. You seem to be holding something back. 你好像隐瞒了点什么。
    ►(2)抑制,控制(感情等);不露声色  e.g. I was close to tears with frustration, but I held back. 我沮丧得快要哭出来,但我忍住了。
    ►(3)(使)犹豫,踌躇   e.g. When dangers come, no one hold back. 危险来临,无人退缩。

5. Don’t rake up the past.   不要翻旧帐。
   ►rake up 重提,翻旧账,朝花夕拾
   ►e.g. Raking up the past won't help anyone. 重提旧事对任何人都没什么好处。

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发表于 25-7-2017 16:29:09|来自:广东深圳 | 显示全部楼层
1. I was sitting on thorns.   我如坐针毡。
   ►sit on thorns 如坐针毡,焦急不安,坐卧不宁
2. The years have mellowed me.   岁月让我成熟。
3. You can't welch on your promises.   你不能说话不算数啊。
   ►welch on 赖账;不履行(诺言、义务)
   e.g. He left the town in order to welch on all his debts. 他为了赖账离开了这座城镇。
4. Evil deeds are done in the name of good.   多少恶行打着正义的旗号!
   ►evil deeds 邪恶的行为;邪行

5. You go. I'll stick around.   你走吧。我再呆会儿。
   ►stick around 逗留;在附近徘徊;呆在原处(等待)
   e.g. We'd love you to stick around for dinner. 我们想留你吃晚饭。

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发表于 26-7-2017 15:22:26|来自:广东深圳 | 显示全部楼层
1. I was only a hick town lad at that time.   当时我只是个村里来的傻小子。
   ►hick 和city slicker 这两个词分别是城里人和乡下人对对方的贬称。hick的意思是“乡巴佬,土包子”。slick字面意思是“圆滑的,油滑的”,所以一个city slicker 也就是说话很圆滑,衣着很时髦,但是很可能是一个不老实、不可信任的家伙。2. I need to confer with my lawyer.   我要见我的律师。
   ►confer with 商讨,交换意见
   ►e.g. I'll confer with him on the subject. 我将和他商议这件事。

3. How's he like? Warts and all.   他这人怎么样?照实说(不要隐瞒他的缺点)。
   ►warts and all 不掩盖地,据实地,毫无保留,不隐瞒任何缺点
4. Survival of the fittest. God's honest truth.   适者生存,天经地义。
5. You can't fight destiny.   人不能跟命争。

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发表于 27-7-2017 19:37:20|来自:广东深圳 | 显示全部楼层
1. It's useless to reproach yourself.   自责是没用的。
2. Put your own house in order first!   先拿镜子照照自己!
   ►put one's house in order 把家里的事安排得有条有理;处理好自己的事情,正人先正己
3. You always claim the moral high ground.   就你自己是君子。
   ►high ground (常指争论、辩论中的)优势,有利地位;道义上的优势,道德上的制高点
   ►claim the moral high ground 声称站在了道德高地上
4. My leg went into spasm.   我的腿突然痉挛。
   ►go into 进入,从事,参加;开始…生涯;深入研究;详谈
   ►e.g. The sick man went into a coma. 病人进入了昏迷状态。
5. He cried in spells.   他哭一阵停一阵。
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发表于 30-7-2017 16:40:51|来自:广东深圳 | 显示全部楼层
1. She's an iron hand in a velvet glove.   她外柔内刚。
   ►an iron hand in a velvet glove 外柔中刚,笑面虎,口蜜腹剑,笑里藏刀
2. The business is on the ropes.   生意岌岌可危。
   ►on the ropes 被击倒在拳击场的围栏索上;处境岌岌可危,濒临毁灭,处于困境
3. Many girls want to marry into the purple.   很多女孩都想嫁入豪门。
   ►marry into the purple (女子)嫁入王侯显贵之家,与皇子(或贵族)结婚
4. Take it with a grain of salt.   别全当真。
   ►with a grain of salt 有保留地,不全信地
5. You've been living in a fool's paradise.   你傻并快乐着。
   ►a fool's paradise 黄梁美梦
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发表于 1-8-2017 20:32:45|来自:广东深圳 | 显示全部楼层
1. We're facing an intractable problem.   这个问题似乎无法解决。
2. Restaurants jacked up their prices.   饭馆全部涨价。
   ►jack up 增加,提高;组织,安排;责备,规劝;停止,放弃
   ►e.g. People are afraid that taxes will soon be jacked up. 人们担心税金会很快提高。
   ►e.g. She jacked up the job because the salary was too low. 因为薪水太低了,她辞掉了这项工作。
3. He cast a few furtive glances.   他偷看了几眼。
4. She's a talebearer.   这个女人好搬弄是非。
5. The taste is no better than chewed tallow.   味同嚼蜡。
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发表于 3-8-2017 19:29:38|来自:广东深圳 | 显示全部楼层
1. I'm not gonna do it without some financial inducements.   没点实惠我可不干。
2. Come straight home and don't loitor.   赶快回家,不要瞎逛。
3. You can't wink at what he did.   你不能对他的行为视而不见哪。
   ►wink at 向(某人)使眼色;假装没看见,对……睁一只眼闭一只眼
   e.g. Marry often winks at the spelling mistakes in her homework. 玛丽常常对她作业里的拼写错误睁一眼闭一眼。

4. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.   朽木不可雕也。
5. It's only his own wishful thinking.   这只是他自己一厢情愿。
   ►wishful thinking 如意算盘,痴心妄想

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发表于 7-8-2017 17:14:14|来自:广东深圳 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 tuzi2011 于 7-8-2017 17:25 编辑

1. He's obnoxious to everyone.   他对谁都很粗鲁。
2. I'm sending you to eternit.   我送你上西天。
3. Only the nouveau riche flaunt.   暴发户才到处炫耀。
4. He seems to be devoid of compassion.   他好像毫无同情心。
   ►be devoid of 缺乏...,没有…
5. They must drive themselves out of the gutter.   他们必须摆脱贫穷

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发表于 8-8-2017 17:42:27|来自:广东深圳 | 显示全部楼层
1. We have to adopt salami tactics.   我们得稳扎稳打,步步为营。
   ►salami tactics 渐进战术
2. You're killing me with that damn tenderness of yours.   你那该死的温柔!
3. Don't let your nervousness come through.   别让人看出你紧张。
   ►come through 出来,到达;表现,体现;经历;获得成功
4. Try to strike a happy medium.   尽量折衷使大家都满意。
   ►strike a happy medium 折衷,走中庸之道
5. You certainly made short work of it.   你挺利索啊。
   ►make short work of 很快地完成,迅速解决,除掉

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发表于 10-8-2017 21:21:12|来自:广东深圳 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 tuzi2011 于 10-8-2017 21:25 编辑

1. This is our corporate responsibility.   这是我们共同的责任。
   ►corporate responsibility 共同责任
2. I was on the verge of tears.   我差点掉眼泪。
   ►on the verge of 接近于……,濒于……
   ►e.g. The old man was on the verge of eighty. 那老人已年近八十。

3. I have to use heavy-handed tactics.   我只能采取铁腕政策。
   ►heavy-handed 笨手笨脚的,不灵活的;严厉的,苛刻的;粗鲁的,粗俗的

4. Keep your ear to the ground.   警觉一点。
5. Lay back and enjoy your autumn years.   你可以安享晚年了。
   ►autumn years (尤指退休后的)迟暮,暮年

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