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楼主: tuzi2011


发表于 3-10-2017 14:26:15|来自:广东深圳 | 显示全部楼层
1. They would give you a slow handclap.   他们会喝倒彩的。
   ►slow handclap 慢而有节奏的鼓掌;尤指喝倒彩表达不满和不耐烦
2. Your fate is sealed.   你死定了。
3. She goofed her lines.   她说错词了。
4. Don't be so common.   别那么没品。
5. You're riding a tiger now.   你现在骑虎难下了。
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发表于 7-10-2017 16:50:42|来自:广东深圳 | 显示全部楼层
1. Don't push your luck. I'm not Santa Claus.   别贪得无厌。我又不是圣诞老人。
   ►push one's luck [俚]得寸进尺;过分贪图侥幸;想继续交好运
2. I'll have to shelve my plan.   我的计划得暂时搁浅。
3. Don't be such a killjoy.   别扫大家的兴。
4. It's a conjecture on my part.   这只是我的推测。
5. I don't want to be enshrined in the Hall of Fame.   我并不想永垂青史。
   ►Hall of Fame 名人纪念堂;(某一行业的)出类拔萃的人物(集团)
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发表于 8-10-2017 12:55:42|来自:广东深圳 | 显示全部楼层
1. You drive a hard bargain.   你太会讨价还价了。
2. It cuts both ways.   有利也有弊。
3. Most people fall by the wayside.   大多数人半途而废。
   ►fall/drop by the wayside 不前进,半途而废;堕落下去,误入歧途,失足
4. Walk me through the procedure.   给我详细讲讲流程。
   ►walk sb through sth 向某人详细认真地讲解或解释某件事(如何做某事)
5. This is right up my alley.   正合我胃口。
   ►right up one's alley 正合某人的口味
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发表于 10-10-2017 15:40:23|来自:广东深圳 | 显示全部楼层
1. We'd better soft-pedal it.   我们最好少提这件事。
   ►soft-pedal 用弱音踏板降低……的音调;对……不予张扬;使大事化小
   ►to soft-pedal on something 在某事物上采取低调处理
2. We cannot infringe traffic regulations.   我们不能违反交通法规。
3. The emperor dropped the pilot.   皇帝不听忠言。
   ►drop the pilot 辞掉可靠的顾问;抛弃良师益友;不听忠告
4. At that time I was laboring under the illusion that she loved me.   当时我以为她是爱我的。
5. They got a landslide victory.   他们大获全胜。
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发表于 14-10-2017 16:43:57|来自:广东深圳 | 显示全部楼层
1. We are unwitting victims!   我们只是无辜的受害者!
2. He must be rolling in it.   他一定腰缠万贯。
   ►roll in [口]有大量的(钱财等);在……中打滚:
   e.g. They are known to be rolling in money. 他们是尽人皆知的拥有大量钱财的人。
3. I'm on a rocky road.   最近有点不顺。
4. You can't simply sweep the problems under the rug.   你不能逃避问题。
   ►sweep the problems under the rug 忽略问题,而不去解决问题
5. You've made your bed.   你自找的。
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发表于 15-10-2017 12:07:36|来自:广东深圳 | 显示全部楼层
1. I still have some unfinished business with you.   咱俩的事还没了结。
   ►unfinished business 未完议程,余留事务
   e.g. There is still some unfinished business to settle. 还有些未完成的事需要处理。
2. It's a common fallacy.   这是个普遍的误解。
3. Tell it to the Marines!   鬼才相信。
4. Don't get shirty with me.   别冲我发脾气。
5. China needs a system of checks and balances.   中国需要权力制衡。
   ►checks and balances 政府机关彼此之间的相互制衡(指政府中行政、立法、司法各机构之间的相互制约)
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发表于 24-10-2017 14:14:38|来自:广东深圳 | 显示全部楼层
1. I'm not a soldier of fortune.   我不是个枪手。
   ►soldier of fortune 军事冒险者;追求财富或享乐的冒险家
2. He's unrelenting.   他坚定不移。
3. I refuse to be fitted into any ideological straitjacket.   我不会被任何观念所束缚。
4. I do a full workup every year.   我每年都做全身体检。
5. We all slip up.   人人都有失误的时候。
   ►slip up 滑跤;疏忽,犯错;遭到不幸
   e.g. It must have slipped up badly. 一定是出了大错。
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发表于 30-10-2017 14:23:29|来自:广东深圳 | 显示全部楼层
1. Nothing really tickled my fancy.   没什么吸引我的东西。
    ►tickle one's fancy 引起某人的兴趣
2. She had the presence of mind.   她沉着冷静,反应敏捷。
   ►presence of mind 沉着,镇定,不乱方寸;聚精会神,专心志致
   e.g. The boy had the presence of mind to turn off the gas. 那男孩子镇定地关掉了煤气。
3. A man should have a sinewy body.   男人应该强壮。
4. I can throw him off the scent for a while.   我可以瞒他一阵子。
   ►throw/put sb. off the scent 糊弄人
5. You could count on the fingers of one hand.   屈指可数。
   ►count on the fingers of one hand 屈指可数,寥寥无几。从字面不难猜出这个词的意思,一只手就可以数过来,那可真的是太少。
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发表于 31-10-2017 17:56:23|来自:广东深圳 | 显示全部楼层
1. She's irascible.   她脾气不好。
2. A college degree is an open sesame to a job.   学历是工作的敲门砖。
   ►open sesame 秘诀,敲门砖,开门咒
3. The number can be rounded to 1.6.   可以四舍五入到1.6。
4. You killed two birds with one stone.   你真是一箭双雕啊。
5. I was sorely tempted to say it.   我差点说出来。
   ►be tempted to do 总想,受...诱惑想做...
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发表于 4-11-2017 12:58:10|来自:广东深圳 | 显示全部楼层
1. I'm feeling slothful.   我有些怠倦。
2. The child is father of the man.   三岁看大,七岁看老。
3. He's in traction.   他现在还打着石膏呢。
4. That is my ultimate accolade.   这是我最大的荣誉。
5. I know which side my bread is buttered.  我知道轻重。
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