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楼主: 陈瑾

[小一报名] 租房可以读附近名校吗?

发表于 28-1-2013 14:24:39|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
wd369 发表于 28-1-2013 12:08
看孩子父母的身份证上地址是哪里了,如果在新加坡本地拥有自己的房子,却以租房地址来报读是不可以的. ...

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发表于 28-1-2013 17:17:07|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
陈瑾 发表于 28-1-2013 14:24

只是想当然,不确定啊,  教育部是这样写的.

Address Used for RegistrationThe address to be used for the registration of children in the Primary One registration is the official residential address on the parents’ NRIC. This address will be used to determine the home-school distance category. Parents may obtain a list of schools within the 1km and 1-2km distance categories from the OneMap SchoolQuery Service managed by the Singapore Land Authority (SLA) in June.

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发表于 28-1-2013 17:20:03|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 wd369 于 28-1-2013 17:21 编辑
陈瑾 发表于 28-1-2013 14:24

不确定,  我刚才贴了教育部的网址和内容,但被审核.


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发表于 28-1-2013 17:22:16|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层 ... ation/#address-used


非常感谢  详情 回复 发表于 28-1-2013 19:03
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发表于 30-1-2013 14:52:17|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 30-1-2013 15:11:46|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
紫藤 发表于 30-1-2013 14:52
原本是想买LAKESIDE地铁站附近的公寓, ...


Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for writing to us on 12 November 2010.

We wish to clarify that parents using address of rented apartment will not be at a disadvantage if the school should conduct balloting.

We would like to share with you that the registration is done based on the NRIC address that is reflected on the parents' NRIC at the time of registration and the address used for the registration of a child (assuming Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident) during the Primary 1 registration exercise is based on the family's permanent address i.e. staying at this address on a long-term basis.

Parents are also expected to be truthful when they use a different address during registration. They should use their long-term address for registration. There is no minimum period that the family is required to stay at the address before they can use the address for registration. However, if the address in their NRIC is a short-term one i.e. the property is rented on a temporary basis due to upgrading or renovation, they should inform the school of this at the point of registration. If the school is required to conduct balloting, parents using temporary addresses should not take part in the ballot so as not to deprive those living in the immediate vicinity a place in this school. They should register their child in another school.

Children who gain admission to a school through distance priority should be living in the address used for registration during their Primary school education. This is because the distance priority takes into consideration the benefits for young children attending schools nearer their homes. We expect parents who prefer their children to benefit from going to a nearby school to continue to reside in that address.

We do recognise that some families may need to move due to various valid reasons, and will give due consideration in such extenuating circumstances. However, should any family be found to have intentionally used an address for P1 registration just to benefit from the distance priority and subsequently move out of that address shortly after, then MOE reserves the right to reallocate the school place. In such cases, MOE would facilitate a transfer for the child to a school near to the family’s current residence with remaining vacancies.

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