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发表于 17-6-2005 12:06:17|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<P>  exam result letter...</P>
<P>     我XX fin NGxxxxxx,先就读于英华美学院商业管理专业.课程从去年至今.由于语言问题和书面表达能力较差,所以并没有参加10月和4月的考试.加上害怕专业考试不及格所以想给自己多点时间补习在去参加.在把以前专业成绩的空白补上.</P>
<P>  谁能翻译一下...谢谢了....感激ing .. 我怕考试不过 所以没考 ..害得我自己要去移民厅解释为什么自己没有专业成绩...第一次去移民厅问一下 移民厅在多没哥的哪里?具体位置谁也能告诉一下  感激不尽!</P>
发表于 17-6-2005 13:37:23|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<P>Name:</P><P>Address:</P><P>17 June 2005</P><P>ICA</P><P>Singapore</P><P>Dear Sir</P><P>I (name), holder of FIN XXXXXX have been dong Diploma in Business Management at Informatics School since (月份)  2004. I did not sit for the exams in October 2004 nor the one in April 2005 as I had felt that my English, especially writing was not good enough for the exams. I am working harder in English and doing more preparation for the exam which I believe I will pass if given more time. I will furnish the required exam results as soon as I sit for the exam and obtain the results.</P><P>I hope you will accept my explanation. Thank you.</P><P>Yours faithfully</P><P>签名</P><P>Name: </P>
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发表于 17-6-2005 13:59:11|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢你啊朋友...哎 ...英语写作实在太差了...哎..后悔..
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