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[狮城水库] seek a kind-hearted aunty

发表于 27-9-2010 18:18:29|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Kranji Park from half an hour before going to a BUS station. Park entrance is the station, we do not understand why the BUS is not to the park entrance, but a few miles away on the turned, and to walk to the park, then there is no extension along the road on 24 /09 afternoon  when the sun was hung in the sky. My husband and I are ready to withstand the heat from the park to walk to the station.  we were well prepared against the hot day with water, drink a few mouthfuls of ice water ready to go, then, there was a BMW had stopped in front of us. driving was a blonde hair lady, we got on, to see some one know that she is a old AUNTY. Soon, she took us to MRT station. We have not asked her name, only know that she is  England Singaporeans. we feel that an inadequate THANKYOU have expressed our gratitude; we sincerely  wish the old lady a cheerful and  happy.


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