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[职场] Sharp drop in PR passes granted in 2010-From channel news asia today

发表于 17-1-2011 11:09:53|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
SINGAPORE: Singapore authorities have halved the number of permanent residence passes granted in 2010, compared to the year before.

Deputy Prime Minister Wong Kan Seng said 29,265 PR passes were issued last year - a sharp drop from the 59,460 in 2009 and some 79,000 granted in 2008.

He added there has also been an improvement in the quality of new PRs.

The number of new citizens remained relatively steady at 18,758 in 2010, compared to 19,928 for 2009.

Mr Wong, who heads the newly formed National Population and Talent Division, revealed the numbers as he laid out the country's long term strategy for managing population growth.

Speaking at the Singapore Perspectives 2011 conference, he said the function of the new division is to formulate, coordinate and review all of the government's policies related to population and talent.

In doing so, he said the focus is on achieving a "sustainable population profile".

Three principles will guide this effort - to preserve and uphold what is distinctive and unique about Singapore, to ensure growth and change benefit Singaporeans, and to remain nimble and prepared as well as make adjustments along the way.

Mr Wong said what is unique about Singapore is that its people "value hard work, thrift and honesty".

Singapore has also made multi-ethnic diversity work for it.

In managing the population, Mr Wong said the government will "always be guided by the need to preserve a strong citizen core" and to "maintain stability" in the ethnic mix.

To ensure that growth and change benefit Singaporeans, he reiterated that citizens' interests will always come first.

However, he stressed the government will need to tap on immigration to augment the population.

This is to ensure sufficient manpower for economic growth and to mitigate the impact of an ageing population.

As Singapore is still facing the problem of having not enough babies, Mr Wong said the government will continue to support couples' decision to get married and have children.

He added authorities will aim for a pro-family environment but he also acknowledged that boosting fertility will take time.

Preliminary estimates show that the country's total fertility rate fell further to 1.16 in 2010 - even lower than the 1.22 recorded in 2009.

"Singapore's population story is still evolving. Looking ahead, continual refinements will need to be made at appropriate junctures to ensure that Singaproe will remain our best home. Like other countries around the world, we must continue to welcome suitably qualified people to work and live in Singapore and contribute to our society," said Mr Wong.

发表于 17-1-2011 12:25:54|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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