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发表于 15-10-2011 10:38:35|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

她和我们一起生活了六个月。 到目前为止表现还是比较满意的。
最近因为我婆婆来和我们一起住, 我婆婆觉得自己在家什么也不要做, 所以很无聊。 说女佣做的事情她也能做。 我也不知道她行不行, 但是为了减少家庭矛盾, 我们还是决定把女佣送走。
女佣从菲律宾来, 33岁,已婚, 有一对10岁大的双胞胎女儿。 在我家她主要负责照顾我三岁大的儿子, 偶尔兼顾一下10岁大的女儿。 家务事也是她做。 每天她5:30就起床, 准备我女儿上学和我们的早餐。 她每天乘搭地铁, 转地铁, 转公共汽车接送我儿子到幼儿园。 非常能干。 家里收拾得让我非常满意, 两个孩子也非常喜欢她。 反而两个孩子和他们的奶奶不大亲热. 晚上我儿子也是她照顾,起夜上厕所喝牛奶都是她在做。 帮我们买菜做饭。 中国菜做得还可以。不是特别好, 但是能吃。 毕竟也不能指望着她样样全能。 带孩子和做家务她是非常在行的。
在她找到合适的家庭之前, 她会一直在我家做。目前在我家她每个月工资是450,加上一天休息。 具体情况你们可以自己商量。

We need to find a new family for our FDW.

She is a lovely and caring 33 year old Filipino, married with twin daughters, and has worked for us for almost half years. She has been an invaluable part of our family, of which we have a 10 year daughter and a 3 years old son. Her attention and care towards the kids has been faultless so she would make an ideal helper for a family with kids. She was a FDW for 9 months before joining us. The reason why I want her to go is that my mother-in-law come to stay with us and she think she can handle all the stuff the FDW do (Let us see :) ) .

She is great with doing laundry (washing and ironing), keeping the house clean and tidy and doing the grocery shopping.She speaks very good English. Everyday she sends and fetches my son from childcare centre which is far from my apartment (need to take MRT and bus) without any problem. She reads books, teaches my son many things. I am satisfied with her. Until she can find a suitable family,I will let her stay with us.

She is very accommodating, and willing to always help out when she can. She's often been asked to work on her days off and never complains. We trust her completely with looking after our children and she treats the home and our family with great respect. And she is a self-motivator.Once I tell her some tasks,she can finish them with high efficient and great quality.

I am sure that she would be a great addition to your family as what she contribute to our family. All members in our family like her very much (include my mother-in-law).

Her salary would be $450 with Sundays off. Details such as these can be worked out after you've met her.

Please feel free to email me if you would like to discuss employing our wonderful helper. You won't be disappointed!

发表于 15-10-2011 13:47:23|来自:新加坡 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 15-10-2011 15:10:12|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
具体手续我也不清楚, 我从网上查到的信息是:
(1) 申请女佣工作准证转让,(2)打电话买一个保险, 然后你就等通知(好像第二天就来了),最后拿一封原雇主的信去取准证。
申请手续不花钱。保险是两百多。据说职总英康比较好。 你现在这个女佣如果要换的话, 估计她的保险可以拿一部分回来。

对我来说最简单的方法就是直接把她送到agent那里去。 但是她要给agent多交一个月的钱。我是觉得不是她的工作做得不好而是我们的因素要她离开的, 还让人家损失一个月的工资, 这样对她不大公平, 所以, 我愿意自己麻烦一些, 帮她省点钱。

我在MOM 网站上看到的 步骤, 更准确一些。
Change of Employer

Responsibilities of the New Employer

The new employer must do the following 30 days before the Foreign Domestic Worker’s (FDW) Work Permit expires:

Obtain a consent letter from the current employer to be submitted together with the Work Permit Application Form. Alternatively, the current employer could complete Part 5 of the Work Permit Application Form.
Ensure that the current employer has sent the FDW for her 6-Monthly Medical Examination if required. The next medical examination is due if the last one was done five months ago.
Submit a new Work Permit application for the worker
The worker is only allowed to start work with the new employer after the Work Permit has been issued in the new employer's name.

Responsibilities of the Current Employer

The current employer must:

Ensure that the current Work Permit card is collected before initiating a transfer to the new employer
Continue to pay the levy up to the day before the new Work Permit is issued.
Send the FDW for her 6-Monthly Medical Examination if required. The next medical examination is due if the last one was done five months ago.
In the event that the FDW’s transfer is unsuccessful and the Work Permit is cancelled or expires, the current employer must repatriate the worker within seven days from the date of the Work Permit cancellation/expiry.

Transfer Date

Once an application for a change of employer has been approved, an In-Principle Approval (IPA) letter stating the transfer date will be sent to both the current and new employers.

The transfer date is usually seven days after the approval date.

Change in transfer date

To request for a change in transfer date, both the new and current employers must agree on the new transfer date.

If the new transfer date is no later than seven calendar days from the original transfer date, the new employer can continue to request for issuance of the Work Permit.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 15-10-2011 15:50:48|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 15-10-2011 16:10:02|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Tiger妈咪 于 15-10-2011 16:17 编辑

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使用道具 举报

发表于 15-10-2011 22:50:38|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
PM你了. 请跟我联系.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 16-10-2011 18:31:06|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
我11月20日左右以后,就要请女佣,不知能否等到那个时候?我是第一次请,但看你的描述,我觉得挺不错了,可以接受。可以的话,可以联系我:[email protected].谢谢
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使用道具 举报

发表于 17-10-2011 20:03:59|来自:新加坡 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 5-11-2011 17:35:58|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报


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