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[房产] 表格一张,你的第N套屋子,到底能贷款多少?

发表于 28-6-2013 21:41:28|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 铜牌推广者 于 11-7-2013 22:15 编辑





今后所有房地产类型的贷款、以房地产为抵押的贷款,以及这些贷款的再融资,都受到这个新的总债务偿还比率(Total Debt Servicing Ratio)的限制。











另一方面,金管局也对房屋贷款与价值比率(Loan-To-Value, 简称LTV)的相关条例作出一些改进。




此外,在评估联合借贷者的申请时,金融机构必须使用他们的收入加权平均年龄(income-weighted average age)来制定贷款的年限。

MAS Introduces Debt Servicing Framework for Property Loans

Singapore, 28 June 2013 … The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) will introduce a Total Debt Servicing Ratio (TDSR) framework for all property loans granted by financial institutions (FIs) to individuals1.  This will require FIs to take into consideration borrowers’ other outstanding debt obligations when granting property loans. They will help strengthen credit underwriting practices by FIs and encourage financial prudence among borrowers.

2   MAS will also refine rules related to the application of the existing Loan-to-Value (LTV) limits on housing loans.  These refinements seek to ensure the effectiveness of the LTV limits that were put in place to cool investment demand in the housing market.  In particular, they aim to prevent circumvention of the tighter LTV limits on second and subsequent housing loans.   

Introduction of TDSR framework
3   MAS conducted a thematic inspection of banks’ residential property loan portfolios in 2012.  While banks generally had in place sound policies to assess the credit worthiness of borrowers, the inspection and subsequent surveys revealed uneven practices with respect to the application of debt servicing ratios and highlighted areas for improvement in credit underwriting practices.
4   The TDSR framework will provide FIs a robust basis for assessing the debt servicing ability of borrowers applying for property loans, taking into consideration their other outstanding debt obligations.  FIs will be required to compute the TDSR, or the percentage of total monthly debt obligations to gross monthly income, on a consistent basis.2
5   The coverage of the TDSR framework will be more comprehensive than FIs’ current practice.  The TDSR will apply to loans for the purchase of all types of property, loans secured on property,3 and the re-financing of all such loans.4
6   The methodology for computing the TDSR will be standardised.  FIs will be required to:
  • take into account the monthly repayment for the property loan that the borrower is applying for plus the monthly repayments on all other outstanding property and non-property debt obligations of the borrower;
  • apply a specified medium-term interest rate or the prevailing market interest rate, whichever is higher, to the property loan that the borrower is applying for when calculating the TDSR;5
  • apply a haircut of at least 30% to all variable income (e.g. bonuses) and rental income; and
  • apply haircuts to and amortise the value of any eligible financial assets taken into consideration in assessing the borrower’s debt servicing ability, in order to convert them into ‘income streams’ in computing the TDSR.
7   FIs will be required to verify and obtain relevant documentation on a borrower’s debt obligations and income used in the computation of the TDSR.
8   MAS expects any property loan extended by the FI to not exceed a TDSR threshold of 60% and will regard any property loan in excess of a 60% TDSR to be imprudent.6 The threshold is set at 60% for a start to allow both the FIs and borrowers to familiarise themselves with the TDSR framework and its computation methodology.  MAS will monitor and review the 60% threshold over time, with a view to further encouraging financial prudence.
Refinement of rules related to application of LTV limits
9   MAS will refine certain rules related to the application of the existing LTV limits on housing loans granted by FIs.  In particular, MAS will require:
  • borrowers named on a property loan to be the mortgagors of the residential property for which the loan is taken;
  • “guarantors” who are standing guarantee for borrowers otherwise assessed by the FI at the point of application for the housing loan not to meet the TDSR threshold for a property loan to be brought in as co-borrowers; and
  • in the case of joint borrowers, that FIs use the income-weighted average age of borrowers7 when applying the rules on loan tenure.8
Measures for the long term
10   The new rules will take effect from 29 June 2013.
11   The TDSR framework and refinements to the rules relating to the application of LTV limits are structural in nature, and will be in place for the long term. They aim to encourage prudent borrowing by households and strengthen credit underwriting standards by FIs.  
12   They do not involve changes to the LTV limits on housing loans themselves, which were last tightened in January 2013 as part of the government’s package of measures to promote stable and sustainable conditions in the housing market.9 The current LTV limits are not permanent, and will be reviewed depending on the state of the property market.
13   Please refer to the FAQs on MAS’ website for further details.
loan to value (12jan13).jpg
发表于 28-6-2013 21:48:52|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 28-6-2013 23:27:10|来自:新加坡 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 28-6-2013 23:36:38|来自:新加坡 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 28-6-2013 23:59:38|来自:新加坡 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 29-6-2013 18:00:08|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
老鼠爱小米 发表于 28-6-2013 23:59

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发表于 29-6-2013 18:15:05|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
分析师相信新条例可解决 买家依靠低利率买房情况(zt)



智信研究与咨询(R'ST Research)总监王伽胜表示,在上一轮降温措施后,市场的购买热潮主要还持续在市区外的大众私宅市场,这些私宅的买家大多都需要依靠贷款,新条例将控制他们对低利率贷款的依赖。
莱坊(Knight Frank)咨询与研究部主管陈姳潓相信,新条例将对买家造成显著影响,特别是目前已有房贷和其他贷款的中等收入者。
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发表于 30-6-2013 19:12:13|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 30-6-2013 22:12:31|来自:新加坡 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Jerry2020 于 30-6-2013 22:15 编辑
sglife888 发表于 30-6-2013 19:12

很热,怕烧焦,所以政府先泼些冷水,让大家冷静一下,买不起的推退出,买得起的继续,大局会更稳健,好事^_^ 最危险的是那些吃的太撑的人
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使用道具 举报

发表于 30-6-2013 23:14:25|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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