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楼主: yishun2009

[其他] 烟霾又回来了, 你们察觉到了吗?

发表于 16-2-2014 23:21:06|来自:新加坡 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
老鼠爱小米 发表于 16-2-2014 23:14

谢谢! 俺也知道。不是维护本版秩序嘛, 俺就简称维版。很佩服他治学严谨的态度, 值得俺学习。没想到这一贴俺又学到了新的知识。
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发表于 16-2-2014 23:24:17|来自:新加坡 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
yishun2009 发表于 16-2-2014 23:21
谢谢! 俺也知道。不是维护本版秩序嘛, 俺就简称维版。很佩服他治学严谨的态度, 值得俺学习。没想到这一贴 ...

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发表于 16-2-2014 23:25:26|来自:新加坡 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
tiezi 发表于 16-2-2014 23:08
Way版表激动,相信你的数据是对的,政府也是清白的!也相信楼主不是故意断章取义,传播谣言!坦白讲如果我 ...

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发表于 16-2-2014 23:26:01|来自:新加坡 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
现在室外还有那种味道, 与去年6月较轻的时候相仿。维文前不久说烟霾要来了, 应该是指这两天的事。
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发表于 16-2-2014 23:26:18|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
WAYNEWEI 发表于 16-2-2014 22:39

1.楼主贴”连忙查看政府NEA网站, 其上PSI还是低于50的良好 ...

是的版主没错。aqicn启用的是PM2.5 - AQI值。跟NEA的PM2.5浓度值转换lz可以看这里:  , 即如果PM2.5=17ug/m3,则aqicn上的AQI对应的是61 - moderate.
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发表于 16-2-2014 23:31:41|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层

JB 最干净
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发表于 16-2-2014 23:34:12|来自:新加坡 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 yishun2009 于 16-2-2014 23:40 编辑

转自Today 12th Feb. 2014

SINGAPORE — The Republic is facing an early, and prolonged, bout of haze, with Environment and Water Resources Minister Vivian Balakrishnan and a pulp and paper giant both warning of an increase in burning in Indonesia.In a strongly-worded Facebook post last night, Dr Balakrishnan said: “Again. Hot spots increasing dramatically in Sumatra, with 458 visible today. Haze may worsen when the winds weaken next week. Some rain expected, but not enough to douse the fires.“We will try to encourage them to take action — but we all know the welfare of close neighbours is not their priority. Hard truths of regional politics,” he added.The minister’s comments came on the same day Asia Pacific Resources International Limited (APRIL), which has extensive plantations and operations in the Riau province of Sumatra in Indonesia, warned of a prolonged haze season, citing the early start of burning season. The company, Asia’s second-largest pulp and paper maker, reported 55 fires near its plantations in the first five weeks of this year.According to the National Environment Agency (NEA) website, there were 458 hotspots detected yesterday, with more than half (246) of these in the Riau province. This was more than double the 187 detected on Monday.Although the likelihood of transboundary haze affecting Singapore this week remains low because prevailing northeasterly winds are expected to remain for these two weeks, NEA said Singapore may experience “occasional slight haze due to the accumulation of particulate matter under stable atmospheric conditions”.As at 9pm yesterday, Singapore’s three-hour Pollutant Standards Index (PSI) reading was 38 — within the “good” air quality range.Yesterday, APRIL said that with Sumatra seeing little rain since last month, burning — the cheapest way to clear land for agriculture — has started early this year.Its head of Technical Services in Riau MP Periasamy said: “All it takes is five days (without) rain for the land to dry out and the temptation rises in the community to set fires.”The dry season in Indonesia typically lasts from June to October, but dry weather has been forecast until mid-March. More than 320 hectares of forests near APRIL’s plantations have been burnt and 15 hectares of its plantations have been damaged by fires that spread from neighbouring forests, said the Singapore-headquartered company, which has 350,000 hectares of concessions in Riau.APRIL, which dispatches crews to each location identified from space as a hot spot, said only a small number of hot spots detected from daily satellite images are actual fires. However, the current fire danger is at its highest level in nearly 70 per cent of its plantations, and the company has placed its firefighting management staff on 24-hour standby.Singapore experienced its worst bout of haze in June last year, with the PSI hitting a record high of 401 at one point.The Haze Monitoring System for five countries in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, including Singapore and Indonesia, has made little headway since its adoption at last October’s ASEAN Summit.Law and Foreign Affairs Minister K Shanmugam noted “a lack of movement” on the system last month at the ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Retreat in Bagan, Myanmar.
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发表于 16-2-2014 23:39:14|来自:新加坡 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
eastman47 发表于 16-2-2014 23:31

JB 最干净

但愿不要加剧。但如果真来了, 股市就又有机会了。
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发表于 16-2-2014 23:53:18|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
tiezi 发表于 16-2-2014 23:08
Way版表激动,相信你的数据是对的,政府也是清白的!也相信楼主不是故意断章取义,传播谣言!坦白讲如果我 ...


如果说NEA和外国网站PM 2.5两者单位的差别看不出来,这点可以理解。
又是谁把外国网站对PM2.5 70的说明,从“良”解读成“中等水平”,并扩大其危害性的?



请看楼主贴“不知道俺们第一世界的政府为何还在用落后的PSI的用意。中国看美领馆, 新加坡看外网, 都一样啊。”


再看楼主的另一个原话:“俺已经说得很清楚不过了, 如果你没看明白, 俺就再说一次: NEA 17-21, Aqcin 68, 明显不同。昨晚今晨俺这里明显的烧焦味, 而NEA显示没有变化。这种情况下, 哪个网站别有用心? 可笑的是还往神马中国上扯, 八杆子打不着的, 谁别有用心, 大家心知肚明。”

楼主明明先在楼主贴提到中国。但是,楼主后来却反过来指责别人“可笑的是还往神马中国上扯, 八杆子打不着的”。这又是怎么回事?


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发表于 17-2-2014 00:17:20|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
yishun2009 发表于 16-2-2014 23:26
现在室外还有那种味道, 与去年6月较轻的时候相仿。维文前不久说烟霾要来了, 应该是指这两天的事。 ...


室外还有那种味道,原因可以很多。也许是 烟霾,也许不是。

这是因为你心中先入为主了。有味道,就一定是烟霾。政府放PSI,那就没有放PM2.5。 外国网站的描述,经过你转述后,危害性被夸大很多。数字不对,那肯定是政府的数字有错。

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