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发表于 半年前|来自:江苏苏州 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
准证要求: 学生准证 家属准证 PR或公民 
职位: 教育培训 
邮编: -
工作性质: 全职 
发布人: 公司直招
招聘人数: 2
学历要求: 本科 
工资待遇: 2500新币以上 
联系人: shasha
电话: 0000 0000
邮箱: [email protected]
QQ: -
价格: -
本帖最后由 hanazhh 于 23-4-2021 17:54 编辑

教学研究部 项目顾问一、岗位描述:
1、 本科及以上学历,对中国、新加坡及国际时政热点、新闻政策有深度了解及研究,有中新政府、经济、产业园区、社会新闻从业经验者优先;
2、 擅长捕捉客户需求,有强大的学习及调研能力,且能将调研成果转化为被客户接受的培训产品;
5、 根据部门工作安排,能接受弹性制加班及回中国出差;
6、 具有较强的执行力和责任心,能主动合理把握事项推进节奏。

Program Consultant
Singapore Sing-China International Training Group, Singapore
Key Responsibilities
· Be responsible for investigating and in-depth exploring customer needs, design and develop training products combined with current hot topics, and exploit domestic and overseas government and business experts to meet company’s requirement.
· Manage and integrate resources, create new teaching and training forms and methods based on the flexible customer requirements.
· Manage all aspects of course design, development, and implementation, including overall course plan, curriculum and ancillary materials preparation, course script writing, video shooting and editing, providing bilingual interpretation, and assisting teachers as they start the course.
· Track customers’ feedback, measure course quality, optimize products and communicate with teachers to improve the customers’ satisfaction.
· Attend conferences and activities related to company’s business, broaden upstream and downstream cooperative resources.
· Make reservation and liaise with teachers to fulfill all relative administrative works.
Basic Qualifications
· Bachelor’s degree or above, have good knowledge of current affairs, policy’s new phrases for both Singapore and China. Work experience in local or Chinese government, financial institution, industrial park or social journalism is a plus.
· Strong skill in in-depth researching and quick learning, and extremely good at understanding customers’ needs in order to design courses match customers’ expectation.
· Strong ability of data collection and learning, enthusiasm for learning new knowledge, and exceptional written skills are required.
· Ability to develop and manage resources, strong communication skills, excellent organizational and coordination skills, strong written, and verbal communication skills in both Chinese and English.
· Able to work in flexible hours, willing to take short-term business trip to China whenever required.
· Strong execution skills, sense of responsibility, self-motivated sprint, can control the pace of project’s progress actively and appropriately.

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