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急需求全职工作-looking for a full-time job

发表于 半年前|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
女生有出纳,销售,花店及做冷饮奶茶经验,希望从事一般的普工,从事餐饮类,服务类的工作都可以的,另外有花店或者咖啡冷饮店最佳。望有需求者与此电话联系,新加坡朋友手机)。谢谢。(注明,本人是在中国,需要申请准证)(Looking for a job, a girl who have experiencesgchinesesher, sale, flower shop and cold drink, kinds of  mixed milky tea wants to get a job, hope that  the employs who have demand to contact with the HP(my singapore friend),,thank you very much) -(note:I am in china now,need to application for workpermit)


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