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发表于 半年前|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
发表于 半年前|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层

Recruitment Needs招聘需求
Quantity 人数 : 3
Age Requirement 年龄要求:25-30
Gender 性别: Female 女
Nationality 国籍: PRC
Marital Status 婚姻状况: Single 单身
Education Level 教育程度:  Diploma above 大专以上
Other Details 其他资料:
▪      Good spoken of English 英语交流
▪      Experience in sales added advantage 优先考虑拥有销售经验者
▪      Candidate is required to take the WORKPLACE LITERACY & NUMERACY (WPLN) test ( which is required by Changi Airport Group 人员必须参加Changi Airport Group 所规定的“职场读写能力和计算能力”
· The cost will be borne by employer (only applicable on the candidate has passed the test. In the event that candidate failed the test and the cost will fully borne by candidate until candidate has passed the exam). 考试费用将由雇主支付(仅适用于人员通过了考试,如果人员无法通过测试,费用将由人员负责,直到人员及格为止)
· Candidate has to pass the test within 3 months. 人员必须在3个月内通过考试
Job Responsibilities 工作范围:
▪      Preferably with cashiering experience最好有经验
▪      Meticulous 细心
▪      Good communication and customer service skills良好的沟通及客户服务技巧
▪      Well-groomed, approachable and friendly良好的培养,平易近人和友好的
▪      Working location: Changi Airport工作地点:樟宜机场

Job Details 工作详情
Work Pass 准证类型:Work Permit
Company 公司: 机场销售公司
Position 职位:  WP Cashiers for Perfume & Cosmetics
Salary Package 薪水: S$1250.00
Working Days & Hours 工作天数时间:
5 working days, 9 working hours per day  6 shifts:
3.00pm – 12.00am (下班的交通能报销)
4.00pm – 1.00am (下班的交通能报销)
5.00am – 2.00pm (上班的交通能报销)
6.00am – 3.00pm (上班的交通能报销)
7am –  4pm(No transport allowance)无交通津贴
10am –7pm(No transport allowance )无交通津贴
Cashiering allowance: Max of S$220.00 per month
Grooming  allowance $ 45 per month - Upon confirm
美容津贴每月S$45 – 成正式员工后

1 Month AWS 有第13个月薪水
Probation 试用期:3个月
Off Day 休假日:  1 day
Overtime Pay 加班: NA否
Employment Type 雇用类型:  Contract 合约
Contract Duration 合約期限: 2 years 2年
Annual Leave 年假: 10days十天
After every 1 year  additional 1 day up to 18 days
Medical Leave 病假: 14 days per year 每年14天
Hospitalization leave住院假: 60 days per year 每年6天
Dental Benefits 牙医津贴: $150 per year  每年新币150      
Accommodation provided/allowance
住宿提供/津贴: No 没有
Food provided /allowance用餐提供 / 津贴:
S$ 5.00 per day (only for early and late shift)
Air ticket provided upon completion of contract 机票提供 (完成合約后) :Yes有
Medical fee claim entitlement  医药费报销:
Yes 有

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发表于 半年前|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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