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发表于 22-9-2005 11:33:27|来自:重庆沙坪坝区 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<P>LADIES... </P>
<P>Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot,
who calls you back when you hang up on him,
who will stay awake just to watch you sleep.
Wait for the boy who kisses your forhead,
who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats,
who holds your hand in front of his friends,
who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on.
Wait for the one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you.
Wait for the one who turns to his friends and says, "...that's her." </P>
GUYS... </P>
<P>Find a girl who calls you baby faced instead of hot or sexi
who can't stand it when you hang up on her and calls right back,
who would sit there for hours looking into your eyes,
who doesn't care what you look like, but what's inside counts the most,
Who looks at you with the twinkle in her eyes and kisses you on the cheek instead of the lips,
Wants to be with you in public, even if you wear those old grass stained and ripped pants with the
bleached jersey like always,
Wait for the girl who is a constant reminder of your happiness and joy, who makes you smiles just by
knowing she loves you back.
Wait for the girl who you give piggy back rides to in public and she still is in view of her friends, while
she gets off and you hear her g "you're the one for me, for always" </P>
<P>Just a reminder to everyone....and especially for the sweet independent wonderful lovely girl who's striving hard to stand firm on her feet again. *wink wink* you deserve dun dim yourself for a no-goody like him. (bear huggies for you!) </P>
luvs from,
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-23 21:12:04编辑过]
发表于 23-9-2005 15:05:49|来自:重庆沙坪坝区 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 24-9-2005 09:58:03|来自:重庆沙坪坝区 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 24-9-2005 10:04:04|来自:重庆沙坪坝区 | 显示全部楼层
<P>BOY and girl</P>sweet heart
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发表于 28-9-2005 00:32:49|来自:重庆沙坪坝区 | 显示全部楼层
<P>yes, u are using 'w' word or sth...<img src=""></P><P>one important thing is just waiting... am i right? maybe not... who knows!! haha~~~</P>[em04]
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发表于 28-9-2005 00:57:22|来自:重庆沙坪坝区 | 显示全部楼层
<P>4 Wifes</P>
<P>Who, What, Where, when</P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-10-4 6:02:39编辑过]
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发表于 18-10-2005 23:14:58|来自:重庆沙坪坝区 | 显示全部楼层
thank you
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