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发表于 6-3-2006 15:44:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
发表于 6-3-2006 15:44:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<FONT size=2>【道别九句】 <BR><BR>说再见 除了说Goodbye之外…… 九句最常用的道别语 <BR><BR>一般的用法: <BR>Take care. 保重。 <BR>Later. 回头见。 <BR>So long. 再见。 <BR>Until we meet again (next time.) 下次见。 <BR>俏皮的说法: <BR>See you later, (alligator.) 回头见,(鳄鱼。)(英文的部份押韵) <BR><BR>约定下次见面时间的用法: <BR>See you tomorrow (next week, on Monday, etc.) <BR>明天(下星期、下星期一……)见。 <BR>非常隆重的说法(或是开玩笑的说法): <BR>Farewell. 再会。 <BR>异国风味的说法: <BR>Adios (西班牙文的「上帝祝福你。」) <BR>Hasta la vista! 西班牙文的「下次再见。」) <BR><BR><BR><BR>【甜言蜜语九句】 ------ 男生必看﹐女生隨便 <BR><BR>说爱你 九句甜言蜜语 <BR>最直接的说法: <BR>I love you. 我爱你。 <BR>有感情,但不确定有爱情的说法: <BR>I have a crush on you. 我对你有点动心。 <BR>I care about you deeply. 我非常关心你。 <BR><BR>保守含蓄的说法: <BR>I\\\\\\\'m fond of you. 我对你有好感。 <BR>强烈的、戏剧化的说法: <BR>You light up my life. 你照亮我的生命。 <BR>I can\\\\\\\'t live without you. 我没有你活不下去。 <BR>You mean the world to me. 你对我来说是最重要的。 <BR>My heart belongs to you. 我的心属于你。 <BR>You take my breath away. 你让我忘记呼吸。 <BR><BR>十种语言,都说「爱你」! <BR>法文 Je t\\\\\\\'aime. <BR>德文 Ich liebe Dich. <BR>西班牙文 Te quiero./Te amo. <BR>意大利文 Te amo. <BR>土耳其文 Seni Seviyorum. <BR>(以下是英文拼音,非书写方式,大写字母表示重音) <BR>俄文 Ya la-Blue teb-Ya. <BR>日文 Ai siteru. <BR>韩文 Sarang heyo. <BR>泰文 Chan rak te. <BR>广东话 Ngoh oi leih. </FONT><BR>
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使用道具 举报

发表于 6-3-2006 15:45:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<FONT size=2>【分手九句】 <BR><BR>分手吧!我们分手吧! <BR>开门见山说分手 <BR>I want to break up. 我要分手。 <BR>It\\\\\\\'s over. 我们缘分已尽。 <BR>Don\\\\\\\'t call me anymore. 别再打电话给我。 <BR>There\\\\\\\'s someone else. 我有了别人。 <BR>We\\\\\\\'re not meant for each other. 我们命中注定不适合。 <BR>旁敲侧击说分手 <BR>I need some time alone. 我需要一个人过一阵子。 <BR>We\\\\\\\'re better off as friends. 我们做朋友比较好。 <BR>You\\\\\\\'re too good for me. 我配不上你。 <BR>You deserve a better man/woman. 你应该找个更好的对象。 <BR><BR><BR><BR>【道歉九句】 <BR><BR>序曲: <BR>Sorry, I\\\\\\\'m (really/so/terribly) sorry. 对不起。我感到(实在∕很∕非常)抱歉。 <BR>Apologize./Please accept my apology. 我道歉。∕请接受我的道歉。 <BR>I feel really bad about... 我对(某件事)感到非常抱歉。 <BR>间奏曲:争取同情说抱歉 <BR>I didn\\\\\\\'t mean it. .我不是故意的。 <BR>It\\\\\\\'s all my fault. 全是我的错。 <BR>How could I be so thoughtless? 我怎么会那么粗心大意呢? <BR>How can I make it up to you? 我要怎样才能补偿你? <BR>终曲:请求原谅说抱歉 <BR>I\\\\\\\'ll never forgive myself. 我永远不能原谅自己。 <BR>Will you ever forgive me? 你会原谅我吗? <BR><BR><BR><BR>【贺节九句】 <BR><BR>假期快乐! <BR>直截了当说贺节︰ <BR>Happy New Millennium! 千禧年快乐! <BR>Happy *Hanukkah! 如果对方是犹太人) 献殿节(光明节)快乐! <BR><BR>每逢佳节倍思亲︰ <BR>I\\\\\\\'ll have a blue Christmas without you. 没有你圣诞节我会过得很郁卒。 <BR>I\\\\\\\'ll / We\\\\\\\'ll be thinking of you during this Christmas season. 在这耶诞时节我(们)会 <BR><BR>想念你的。 甜言蜜语贺吉祥︰ <BR>Wishing you peace and happiness during the holidays. 祝你假期幸福平安。 <BR>Stay warm, safe and healthy during the holidays! 祝你假期温暖、平安、健康。 <BR>May your Christmas be filled with joy and warmth! 愿你圣诞节充满喜乐与温暖! <BR>Hope the holidays find you happy and healthy. 祝你假期健康快乐。 <BR><BR>探询新年新气象︰ <BR>So, what\\\\\\\'s your New Year\\\\\\\'s resolution? 那么,你的新年新希望是什么? <BR>*Hanukkah犹太教的献殿节(或称光明节),假期在每年12月左右,为期八天,纪念公元前165年犹太人战胜叙利亚人以后,在耶路撒冷寺庙的重新奉献。 </FONT><BR><BR><BR>
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发表于 6-3-2006 15:45:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<FONT size=2>【称赞九句】 <BR><BR>每天都该对自己跟别人说的话 <BR>You are great. <BR><BR>一般的用法: <BR>You\\\\\\\'re great/errific. 你好棒/好厉害。 <BR>I admire you. 我佩服你。 <BR>You\\\\\\\'re really cool. 你真酷。 <BR>You\\\\\\\'re amazing. 你真了不起。 <BR>You\\\\\\\'re awesome. 你真了不起。 <BR><BR>完成一项任务后的说法: <BR>You did a great job. 你做得很好。 <BR>You really impress me. 你令我印象深刻。 <BR>You\\\\\\\'re an outstanding individual. 你真是杰出人材。 <BR>You are a great asset to our company. 你是本公司的重要资产(台柱)。 <BR><BR><BR><BR>【杀价九句】 <BR><BR>杀价必胜九句 Bargaining/Haggling <BR>直接杀价: <BR>That\\\\\\\'s unreasonable! I\\\\\\\'d take it for (100¥.) 这真是卖得太贵了!如果(一百块)我就买。 <BR>How about (100¥)? 卖(一百块钱)如何? <BR>I\\\\\\\'d buy this if it were cheaper. 再便宜一点我就买。 <BR><BR>拐弯抹角地杀: <BR>Lower the price, and I\\\\\\\'ll consider it. 价钱低一点我才会考虑。 <BR>It\\\\\\\'s a little overpriced. 这标价有点贵。 <BR>I like everything about it except the price. 这东西除了价钱之外我都喜欢。 <BR><BR>尔虞我诈地杀: <BR>I\\\\\\\'ve seen this cheaper (in) other places. 我在别家有看过更便宜的。 <BR>I heard other stores were having great mark-downs on this item. 听说别家的这个东西在大减价。 <BR>If I buy more than one, will you give me a discount? 多买一点有折扣吗? <BR><BR><BR><BR>【惊吓九句】 <BR><BR>真可怕! <BR>惊吓指数1听到或碰到很糟糕的事情时,你可以说: <BR>That\\\\\\\'s terrible! 好恐怖! <BR>How awful! 可怕噢! <BR>That\\\\\\\'s horrible/dreadful! 好可怕/吓人! <BR>What a nightmare! 真是恶梦一场! <BR><BR>惊吓指数2当情况坏到吓人时,你可以说: <BR>How terrifying! 吓死人了! <BR>That\\\\\\\'s scary! 真令人害怕! <BR>How frightening! 恐怖噢! <BR><BR>惊吓指数3 当发生不可思议的事情,让你怀疑是灵异事件时,你可以说: <BR>How creepy! 真令人毛骨悚然! <BR>That\\\\\\\'s spooky! 阴森森的! </FONT><BR><BR><BR>
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使用道具 举报

发表于 6-3-2006 15:46:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<FONT size=2>【求婚九句】 ------ 男生必學﹐學不會? 拖出去重打 5 下臺鞭。 <BR><BR>我们结婚吧! <BR>单刀直入法︰ <BR>Will you marry me? 你愿意嫁给(娶)我吗? <BR>Would you be my wife/husband? 你愿意当我的妻子/丈夫吗? <BR><BR>迂回暗示法︰ <BR>I think it\\\\\\\'s time we took some vows.我想是我们该许下誓言的时候了。 <BR>I think it\\\\\\\'s time we settled down... 我想是我们该稳定下来的时候了…… <BR>I want to spend the rest of my life with you. 我要与你共度余生。 <BR>I want to be with you forever. 我要永远与你相守。 <BR><BR>咬文嚼字法︰ <BR>Let\\\\\\\'s get *hitched! 我们成为比翼鸟吧! <BR>Let\\\\\\\'s tie the knot! 我们结为连理枝吧! <BR>强迫中奖法︰ <BR>I want to have your children. 我要跟你生宝宝。 <BR>*hitch(v.) 系住、栓住 <BR><BR><BR>【恭贺新禧九句】 <BR><BR>祝新年新气象: <BR>As the new year begins, let us also start anew. 一元复始,万象更新 <BR><BR>祝新年财运佳: <BR>Happy New Year and hope you strike it rich! 恭喜发财 <BR>May wealth and riches be drawn your way./May you walk the path of prosperity. 招财进宝 <BR>May a river of gold flow into your pockets. 财源广进 <BR><BR>祝新年好运到: <BR>May you succeed at whatever you try./May all your wishes come true. 心想事成 <BR>Hope everything goes your way. 万事如意 <BR>May the New Year bring you good fortune. 迎春接福 <BR><BR>祝福禄双全: <BR>I wish you good fortune and every success. 大吉大利 <BR>May you always get more than you wish for. 年年有余 <BR><BR><BR>【选举九句】 <BR><BR>I support you. 我支持你。 <BR>I\\\\\\\'ll stand by you. 我会帮助你。 <BR>I\\\\\\\'m with you all the way. 我会一直支持你。 <BR>I\\\\\\\'m behind you all the way. 我随时在后面支持你。 <BR>I\\\\\\\'m there for you. 我随时听候差遣。 <BR>You have my support. 你会得到我的支持。 <BR>You have my vote. 我这一票是你的。〈这句话除了字面上的意思,也可以表示「我支持你」。〉 <BR>You can count on me. 你可以信得过我。 <BR>You got my back. 我给你当靠山。〈上面这句话是一种较为口语的用法〉 </FONT><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>
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使用道具 举报

发表于 6-3-2006 15:46:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<FONT size=2>【神秘九句】 <BR><BR>神秘兮兮 <BR>求我我就告诉你︰ <BR>Guess what! 你猜怎么着! <BR>I know something you don\\\\\\\'t know! 我知道一些你不知道的事情! <BR>Ask me what just happened. 你猜刚刚发生什么事。 <BR>Have I got news for you! 我有事要告诉你呢! <BR><BR>支支吾吾吞吞吐吐︰ <BR>You\\\\\\\'ll never guess... 你绝对猜不到…… <BR>You won\\\\\\\'t believe... 你不会相信…… <BR>The weirdest thing just happened... 最怪异的事情发生了…… <BR><BR>面有难色难以启齿︰ <BR>I don\\\\\\\'t know how to tell you this... 我不知如何对你启齿…… <BR>There\\\\\\\'s something that\\\\\\\'s been eating at me for a long time... 有件事情在我心里藏了很久…… <BR><BR><BR>【抓狂九句】 <BR><BR>受不了我受不了: <BR>I\\\\\\\'ve had enough of your... 我受够了你的…… <BR>Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁啊? <BR>How dare you! 你好大的胆子! <BR><BR>你是我今生的累赘: <BR>You worthless piece of.... 你这没用的东西…… <BR>You infuriate me. 你气死我了。 <BR>You\\\\\\\'re really full of it! 你满口胡言! <BR>忍无可忍破口大骂︰ <BR>Shut your face! 住口! <BR>Get out of my face! 给我闪一边去! <BR>Stuff it! 闭嘴! <BR><BR><BR><BR>【耍赖九句】 <BR><BR>游戏时耍赖︰ <BR>That doesn\\\\\\\'t count. 那不算! <BR>We weren\\\\\\\'t playing for real. 我们不是玩真的。 <BR><BR>欠钱时耍赖︰ <BR>Money has been really tight lately... 最近手头有点紧…… <BR>I\\\\\\\'ve had so many other expenses... 我有太多其它的费用要付…… <BR><BR>犯错时耍赖︰ <BR>It\\\\\\\'s not my fault. 那不是我的错。 <BR>He / She made me do it. 他(她)要我做的。 <BR>交通违规时耍赖︰ <BR>I didn\\\\\\\'t see the sign. 我没有看到标胖尽? <BR><BR>规避责任时耍赖︰ <BR>It\\\\\\\'s not my turn to... 这次不是轮到我…… <BR>I didn\\\\\\\'t know anything about it... 我对此事一无所知…… </FONT><BR><BR><BR><BR>
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发表于 6-3-2006 15:47:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<FONT size=2>【拍马屁九句】 <BR><BR>任何人都喜欢听好话,你的老板当然也不会例外。下面的句子你可以在合适的时候说说看,不过由此产生的任何后果我们可不负责任。 <BR>It\\\\\\\'s really impressive the way you run this company. 您经营这家公司的模式真是令人印象深刻。 <BR>I look forward to coming to work every day. 我每天都迫不及待来上班。 <BR>You\\\\\\\'re the best-dressed boss around. 您是这里穿得最有型的主管。 <BR>You\\\\\\\'re my idol. 您是我的偶像。 <BR>I really admire your decision-making ability. 我很钦佩您的决策能力。 <BR><BR>考试要 pass,老师当然很重要。尤其是主观性比较强的课程。这里只是提点建议,怎么干全靠您自个了。毕竟真凭实学比什么都重要。 <BR><BR>You\\\\\\\'re too young to be a professor... 您当教授实在太年轻了…… <BR>Could you autograph your book for me, please? 能否帮我在您写的书上签名? <BR>Your teaching is so inspiring. 您的教学真是让人如沐春风。 <BR><BR><BR>當孝子,让爸爸妈妈开心开心 <BR><BR>You look so much younger than my classmates\\\\\\\' moms /dads. 你看起来比我班上同学的妈妈∕爸爸年轻多了。 <BR><BR><BR><BR>【搭讪九句】 <BR><BR>搭讪九句,让你越夜越美丽…… <BR>似曾相识:拉近和对方的距离。 <BR>You look like someone I know. 你跟我一个朋友长得好象。 <BR>Haven\\\\\\\'t we met before? 我们之前见过吧? <BR>借题发挥:只要有心,总是有借口。 <BR>That\\\\\\\'s a great haircut. 你的发型很棒。 <BR>(To the bartender) I\\\\\\\'ll have what the handsome gentlman (beautiful lady) is having. (对酒保说)我要跟这位帅哥(美女)点一样的东西。 <BR><BR>略施小惠 :说这话可是有目的。 <BR>Can I buy you a drink? 我可以请你喝一杯吗? <BR>You have a great smile. 你的笑容很美。 <BR>趁虚而入:此句可以列入防狼手册,单身MM注意了。 <BR>Are you here alone? 你一个人在这儿吗? <BR>What\\\\\\\'s a handsome guy (pretty girl) like you doing here alone? 像你这样的帅哥(美女)怎么会落单? <BR><BR>单刀直入:太直接了吧? <BR>What do you say we go somewhere quiet... 我们另外找个安静的地方如何……</FONT>
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使用道具 举报

发表于 7-3-2006 01:51:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 7-3-2006 07:40:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<FONT size=2>You have my support. 你会得到我的支持。</FONT>
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使用道具 举报

发表于 7-3-2006 22:00:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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