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[金融] 请问在philip 的网上交易股票的时候contra是什么意思?

发表于 24-1-2008 17:44:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
刚开了一个philip capital的网上交易账户,但是不知道其网页上的买卖股票的那页中的contra 是什么意思。虽然有英文的解释,但还是看不懂,望高手指点迷津。谢谢<br/>
发表于 25-1-2008 14:01:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
卖空<br/><br/>表示你没有这个股票,但是还是可以卖。<br/>但是,如果我没有错,当天结束前你必须买回, 补上这个“空”<br/><br/>适合你预测股价一定跌的时候。<br/>
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发表于 25-1-2008 14:18:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 25-6-2008 22:27:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<div id="textstyle_8" style="FONT-SIZE: 9pt; OVERFLOW: hidden; WORD-BREAK: break-all; TEXT-INDENT: 24px; WORD-WRAP: break-word">什么是对敲Contra?对敲是什么意思? <br/><br/>对敲是指交易所会员或客户为了制造市场假象,企图或实际严重影响期货价格或者市场持仓量,蓄意串通,按照事先约定的方式或价格进行交易或互为买卖的行为。通俗地说是自买自卖,左手出右手进,筹码从甲乙两个(或是多个)仓库之间来回倒。 <br/><br/>对敲的目的: <br/><br/>一是将股价慢慢推高,为日后出货腾出空间; <br/><br/>二是制造交投活跃气氛,日线图上呈"价升量增"的向多形态,在吸引跟风盘涌入后再一网打尽。 <br/><br/>庄家操盘常用对敲,过去一般是为了吸引散户跟进,而现在则变成了一种常用的操盘手法,建仓时对敲、震仓时对敲、拉高时对敲、出货时对敲、做反弹行情仍然运用对敲。</cn> </div>
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发表于 8-1-2010 13:05:04|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
Contra trading as it is popularly known, is the act of buying and selling something without actually paying for it. Contra trading is apparently unique only to the Singapore and Malaysian stock markets.

In Singapore, when you buy a stock, there is no requirement to put up a form of deposit with the brokerage firm. In fact, from the date of the transaction, you are given a grace period of 3 days, known as the contra period, in order to transfer the money to the brokerage firm. It is because of this contra period, that a loophole is formed. It was found that if you sold the stock that you bought before the contra period is up, the brokerage firm would offset the trades, and the net effect was that you will be paid any profits or losses you obtained from that 2 trades.

Assuming you bought $10,000 worth of stocks at $1 on a Monday. On the Wednesday, the price went up to $1.05 and you decide to sell it off. Based on this, you do not have to pay up for the $10,000 because you have already sold the stocks. In fact, the firm would credit to you 5cents of profit per share, all without you putting up a single dollar. Literally making money out of thin air.

The dangers of this is that most investors would not be able to understand the risks involved, and would end up buying more than they can afford. Do note, that most contra traders actually lose money.
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