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[职场] [讨论]哪位兄台给写一下申请PR的攻略啊!

发表于 5-3-2008 00:48:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<p><font color="#000088" size="3">下周就要去申请PR了,心情很是紧张。主要是太茫然不知道手续是怎么样的,而且自己的英语又烂。怕到时候抓瞎了。哪位兄台把具体的过程给写写,比如几点到达,上几楼办等等。</font></p><p><font color="#000088" size="3">我记得以前有个兄台曾经详细写过的,但是翻了整个晚上,都没翻到那帖。所以有请各位了,先谢谢啊!</font></p>
发表于 5-3-2008 12:30:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 5-3-2008 15:38:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 6-3-2008 11:15:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 6-3-2008 15:07:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 6-3-2008 21:00:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<p>&nbsp; 記得準備好所有的文件,照片,出生公証,文憑的正本和複印件,東西最好用兩個文件夾分別放好,免得到時候工作人員問你要文件的時候手忙腳亂,具體的文件和複印件看填寫的説明,照片最好到那裏才去照,免得最後因爲照片不合格麻煩,記得早一點去,出門前在次核對多有的文件,證件,有沒有全部帶齊。直接去5樓排隊照相,在排隊拿號碼。</p>
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发表于 6-3-2008 21:01:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 6-3-2008 22:07:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>louisboy</i>在2008-3-6 21:00:00的发言:</b><br/><p>&nbsp; 記得準備好所有的文件,照片,出生公証,文憑的正本和複印件,東西最好用兩個文件夾分別放好,免得到時候工作人員問你要文件的時候手忙腳亂,具體的文件和複印件看填寫的説明,照片最好到那裏才去照,免得最後因爲照片不合格麻煩,記得早一點去,出門前在次核對多有的文件,證件,有沒有全部帶齊。直接去5樓排隊照相,在排隊拿號碼。</p></div><p>非常有帮助!谢谢啊!大家互相帮忙啊!</p>
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发表于 6-3-2008 22:52:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 6-3-2008 23:23:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<h1 class="fl" id="subject_tpc">PR申请全过程报道!</h1><div class="c" id="p_tpc"></div><div class="tpc_content" id="mag_tpc"><h6 class="quote"><span class="s3 f12 fn"><font color="#fa891b" size="2">管理提醒: </font></span></h6><blockquote>本帖被 bluesky 从 新加坡黄页 移动到本区(2008-02-03)</blockquote></div><div class="tpc_content" id="read_tpc">看到很多在新加坡的中国人想申请PR,就顺便转一篇,希望能给大家带来帮助<br/><br/>因为老公工作太忙,而我现在基本没什么事,所以如何申请PR、需要那些资料,老公全全委托给了我。为了减少他的工作量和压力,我也乐意承担所有。没有在新加坡生活过、工作过,所有的资料都是通过互联网获得,难免心里不塌实,哪怕很小的疑问也希望有过来人给予相应的指点,可惜的是,那么多申请过了、正在申请的同胞们对于他人的疑问大都只是熟视无睹,哪怕区区数言也不肯解囊相赠,偶尔,会觉的心寒。<br/>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 但我相信还是有很多像我这样正打算申请或将来准备要申请PR的兄弟姐妹,所以把期望放在别人的身上不如自己靠自己、互相帮助!现在正忙于资料的准备,经常因为这个不全那个不全,而来回折腾时间和精力。以下是我自己翻译的ICA网站关于给配偶申请PR的资料说明,希望对于准备申请PR的人给予一些帮助,哪怕只是微不足道的帮助。 <br/>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <br/>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; EXPLANATORY NOTES (解释性说明)<br/>APPLICATION FOR PERMANENT RESIDENCE FOR SPOUSE AND/OR CHILDREN OF A SINGAPORE CITIZEN/ PERMANENT RESIDENT (为新加坡公民/永久居民的配偶和子女申请永久居民)<br/>Who may apply (谁可申请)<br/>1. Spouse and unmarried children (below 21 years old) of a Singapore Citizen/ Permanent Resident. (新加坡公民/永久居民的配偶及(未满21岁)的未婚子女。) Application Form (Form 4) (申请表格(表格4 )&nbsp; <br/>2. Application Form 4 is to be completed (1 original copy). (完成申请表格4。( 原件及原件副本))<br/>3. Applicant is required to complete Part A to Part E and Part G. Local sponsor to complete Part F and Part H of the application form.(申请人须完成A到E部分、和G部分的填写,新加坡公民或永久居民,需完成F部分和H部分的申请表格。即A至E、和G的部分是填写我的资料,而F和H的部分是填写老公你的资料。)<br/>Photograph Requirement (照片要求)<br/>4. A passport-sized photograph of the main applicant is to be pasted onto the space provided on page 1. Photographs of children included in the application are to be pasted onto the spaces provided on page 6.(主申请人必须将一张与其护照照片大小相同的近期照粘贴在第1页所提供的空白处。儿童的照片被粘贴在第6页的空白处。)<br/>5. The photograph must be: (照片必须是:)<br/>·35 mm wide by 45 mm high without border and taken within the last three months; (近期3个月内,宽35毫米、高45毫米的无框照片。) <br/>· taken full face without headgear, unless the applicant habitually wears a headgear in accordance with religious or racial customs. The headgear must not hide the applicant's facial features; (必须是全面免冠照,除非申请人依照其宗教信仰或种族习俗必须佩带头饰,但头饰不能遮掩申请人的面部特征;)<br/>·the facial image must be between 25 mm and 35 mm from chin to crown; and taken against plain white background with a matt or semi-matt finish. (从下巴到额头的面部尺寸要介于25毫米和35毫米之间,使用白色背景,以a matt or semi-matt f完成。)<br/>Documents to be produced (申请提供的文件)<br/>6. The originals and a photocopy of each of the following items are required. Official translations are required if they are not in English. Original documents will be returned immediately after sighting. (要求提供下列文件的原本和复印件。如果原始文件不是英文则需要原件的正式英文译本。所有原始文件,将在被审阅后立即返还。) <br/>(a) Valid travel document of applicant. Photocopies of pages showing personal particulars, official descriptions and Singapore immigration endorsements are required. (申请人的有效旅行证件。影印本需要显示个人资料,官方说明和新加坡入境签注。)<br/>(b) Work Pass of applicant, if any. (申请人的工作准证,如果有的话)<br/>(c) Identity cards of both applicant (if any) and sponsor. (申请人和主申请人的身份证,申请人如果有的话需提供。即需要老公的身份证和其复印件。)<br/>(d) Applicant’s Birth Certificate and household Census List. (申请人的出生证明书及其家庭成员列表。)<br/>(e) Official Marriage Certificate. (结婚证书)<br/>(f) Educational certificates of both applicant and sponsor. (申请人和主申请人的学历证书)<br/>(g) Official Birth Certificates of children showing both parents’ names and child’s name and adoption paper, if applicable. (官方出具的儿童出生证明,显示父母双方的姓名和子女的姓名,如可能的话。)<br/>(h) Death certificate or divorce certificate and the custody papers for the children in respect of applicant’s/spouse’s previous marriages (if any) (死亡证书或离婚证书,……)<br/>(i) A letter from sponsor’s and applicant’s (if applicable) employer stating the date of employment, position held, salary per month for the last 6 months with breakdown into basic, overtime and allowance per month (see item 7 below). The letter, addressed to the Controller of Immigration, should be dated within 1 month from the date of submission. (主申请人和申请人(如适用)的雇佣单位证明信,职位,近期6个月的薪水,加班费和每月津贴(见下面的第7项) 。信中,注明是申请永久居民之用,应当注明1个月内自公布之日起的意见书。这条翻译的比较蹩脚,但是我的条件不满足提供上述材料的可能性,根据多方了解,就是需要老公提供下述文件:公司开具的在职信,证明还在公司做工有效期至少一个月,同时要说明是帮WIFE FOR PR的,人事部打印出后要公司盖章;)<br/>(j) A statement from the CPF Board showing the sponsor’s monthly “CPF contribution history” for the last 12 months. (一份由中央公积金局出具的证明,显示主申请人过去12个月的"中央公积金供款史" 。即提供老公一年的CPF:据说在网上(<a href="" target="_blank"><font color="#0044bb"></font></a>)可以打印,但不是很确定)<br/>(k) Sponsor’s and applicant’s (if applicable) Income Tax Notices of Assessment for the last 3 years. (主申请人和申请人(如有的话)过去年的税单。老公你不满三年就从一开始工作算起。如果之前的税单没有了的话,据说可以在网上打印(<a href="" target="_blank"><font color="#0044bb"></font></a>),如不能打印就,只有亲自去55 Newton Road拿,TEL:1800-3568300,打印一张4块新币。)<br/>(l) Sponsor’s valid Business Registration Certificate (for self employment) with names of partners shown and Valid Vocational licence, if applicable. (主申请人的有效商业登记证(自营就业)的名字与合作伙伴的表现,有效的职业执照,如果适用的话。)<br/>(m) Deed Poll or Change of Name Certificate of applicant and sponsor.(申请人和主申请人更改名称的证书或契据。)<br/>Basic Salary (底薪)<br/>7. When completing the application form, please note that basic salary does not include the following:-(在填写申请表时请注意,基本工资不包括下列各项: )<br/>(a) Additional payment by way of overtime, bonus or commission. (加班费,奖金或额外佣金)<br/>(b) Travel, food or housing allowance. (旅行,食物或房屋津贴)<br/>(c) Any sum paid to an employee or contract worker to defray special expenses incurred by him owing to the special, unusual or hazardous nature of the employment. (任何因员工不寻常或危险性质的工作而额外支付给员工的特别费用、如保险)<br/>(d) Any contribution paid by employer or contractor to any pensions fund or provident fund. (因为一些贡献,雇主或承包商以养老基金或公积金制度给予的额外津贴。)<br/>(e) Any gratuity payable on discharge or retirement.。(任何形式支付的假期或退休金)<br/>Submission (提交)<br/>8. Please submit your application together with supporting documents personally to: Permanent Resident Services Centre Immigration &amp; Checkpoints Authority ICA Building,5th Storey, 10 Kallang Road Singapore 208718 (请连同你的申请和证明文件,亲自到: 永久居民服务中心,移民和关卡管理局,国际建设合作联盟,10 Kallang 路 ICA 大厦 新加坡208718(在淡紫色MRT 驻地旁边)办理。)<br/>9. All information contained in the form must be complete, accurate and verifiable. (所有资料,表格必须完整的,准确的和可核查的。)<br/>10. Please submit all the required documents together at the time of application. Incomplete submission may result in non-acceptance of the application at the counter.(请提交所需的全部文件,包括当时正在应用的。资料不完整,可能导致申请的柜台不接受申请。)<br/>11. Submission of application by post will not be accepted. (以邮寄方式递交的申请申请将不予受理。) <br/>12. Applicant and sponsor may be required to furnish additional documents and information whenever necessary. (必要时,申请人和主申请人可能会被要求提供更多的文件和资料。)<br/>National Service Liability (国民服役的责任)<br/>13. Under the Enlistment Act, all male Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents (PRs) are liable to register for National Service (NS) upon reaching 16&frac12; years old. They are required to serve 2 years of full-time NS at 18 years old, followed by 40 days of Operationally Ready National Service per year till the age of 50 years (for officers) or 40 years (for other ranks). (根据招募法,所有男性新加坡公民和永久居民(PRS)在16&frac12; years old时被登记服役( ns )。他们必须服务二年的全职NS。……)<br/>14. Main applicants who are granted PR status under the first generation Professionals, Technical Personnel and Skilled Workers Scheme or the Investor Scheme are exempted from NS. Male children who are granted PR status under their parents’ sponsorship are liable for NS upon reaching 16&frac12; years old. (主要申请者,给予永久居民身份的第一代专业人士,技术人员和技术工人的计划或投资者则免服NS。被批准授予永久居民身份的男性儿童,根据其父母的赞助,达到16年半岁时有可能参加NS的服役。)<br/>15. NS-liable PRs are expected to serve NS. Should they renounce or lose their PR status without serving or completing full-time NS, this would have an adverse impact on any application by them to work or study in Singapore.(NS-liable PRS are expected to serve NS。没有服务或完成全职ns的,可能要放弃或失去永久居民身份,这将有负面影响,对于他们在新加坡的工作或学习也将有负面影响)<br/>16. Male ex-Singapore Citizens and ex-Singapore Permanent Residents who are granted Singapore PR status are liable to be called up for NS regardless of the type of PR status they are granted. For further enquiries, please write to:- Central Manpower Base (前男性新加坡公民和新加坡永久居民,给予其新的新加坡永久居民身份可能被征召为ns,不论是何种类型的永久居民身份。如有查询,请写信至:) <br/>CMPB Podium 3, Depot Road, Singapore 109680<br/>Contact no(s): 1800-3676767 (local) 65- (overseas) <br/>Email : <a href="mailto:[email protected]"><font color="#0044bb">[email protected]</font></a> Important Notes (重要说明)<br/>17. The grant of permanent residence does not exempt an individual from registration with the relevant professional bodies or any other statutory conditions as required by legislation governing the regulation of their professions (e.g. doctors, lawyers, etc.).(授予永久居留并不免除个人从登记并与有关的专业机构或任何其他法定条件要求的法例规管调节自己的专业(如医生,律师等) 。)<br/>18. Ex-Singapore Citizens and Ex-Singapore PRs who have withdrawn their CPF monies would have to refund the full CPF amount withdrawn if their PR application is approved. A letter of clearance from CPF Board is required for completion of PR formalities. For further enquiries please contact: (如果新加坡公民和前新加坡的NS的永久居民申请获得批准,已撤的公积金款项将全额退还。由中央公积金局是需要完成的公关手续。如有查询,请联络:)<br/>Central Provident Fund Board 79 Robinson Road CPF Building Singapore 068897 <br/>Contact number : 1800-2271188 Email: <a href="mailto:[email protected]"><font color="#0044bb">[email protected]</font></a><br/><br/>19. All correspondences will be sent to the sponsor’s residential address as registered in the sponsor’s Singapore identity card. (所有书信将被发送到主申请人新加坡居民身份证登记的住址。) <br/>20. ICA may share your personal information with other Government agencies to process any applications you have made or to render you a service, so as to serve you in an efficient and effective way, unless such sharing is prohibited by legislation. (ICA可以与其他政府机构分享您的个人资料,从而以一个更有效率的方法处理你的申请。除非这种共享是法律禁止的。)<br/>Warning (警告)<br/>21. If you knowingly and willfully falsify or conceal a material fact or submit a false document in relation to any application, action will be instituted against you and you will be denied all immigration facilities. In addition, you will face severe penalties provided by the law.(如果你故意虚增或隐瞒重要事实,提交申请所涉及的文件虚假不实时,你将会被拒绝入境的。此外,你将承担法律后果和责任。)<br/></div>
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