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楼主: Malj

[房产] 我是否可以Claim back GST

发表于 7-6-2011 11:16:57|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
Lion1 发表于 6-6-2011 19:10
回复 Malj 的帖子

我的理解是,即使注册了GST可以claim back但不要因为claim back而去注册GST,原因是



楼下“way”兄已经解答了  详情 回复 发表于 7-6-2011 11:51
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发表于 7-6-2011 11:21:48|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
西北独郎 发表于 6-6-2011 21:11

谢谢回复,但听前辈 Lion 1所说的,是否值得Claim back?
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使用道具 举报

发表于 7-6-2011 11:23:17|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
回复 Malj 的帖子

一般都知道销售额超过1百万要被强制注册GST。但请注意这个一百万是指年营业额(Taxable Turnover)。不包括变卖资产(capital assets)的收入。

但一旦注册GST后,变卖资产时也要交GST。因为对注册GST的公司,是要求所有的supply of goods and services(除少数例外)都算进去的。相对地,所有的purchase都可以claim input GST的(除少数例外)。这里的purchase除了购买货物外,也包括一般的公司费用支付,比如水电费等。


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使用道具 举报

发表于 7-6-2011 11:38:30|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
WAYNEWEI 发表于 7-6-2011 11:23
回复 Malj 的帖子

一般都知道销售额超过1百万要被强制注册GST。但请注意这个一百万是指年营业额(Taxable  ...

指的是:公司根本没有业务,只是挂个名而已,就是为了买这个房产去Claim back the GST 而注册的。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 7-6-2011 11:46:04|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
回复 西北独郎 的帖子

在注册GST之前有些input GST 是可以在注册后claim的,但有条件(附注在下面)。请注意所有条件都必须符合。


政府没那么笨的。那些房产中介提供的所谓解决方法不要轻易相信。为了claim GST特地成立注册GST的公司不是明智的做法。GST是政府重点留意的税种,为了claim GST最后被抓被罚的有很多案例了。而且相比之下还罚得特别重。

Claiming GST incurred before GST registration
GST incurred on business purchases (input tax) before your GST registration can be claimed in the first GST return if you satisfy all the conditions in Self-Review Of Eligibility In Claiming Pre-registration Input Tax (175KB) checklist. You do not need to submit the checklist to us but you need to maintain it as part of your records.

The conditions are summarised as follows:

Conditions for claiming GST incurred on goods
The goods are purchased or imported by your business for the purpose of making taxable supplies (standard-rated supplies and zero-rated supplies);
The goods are not consumed or supplied by your business before the date of GST registration;

GST incurred on food and beverages consumed by your staff, hotel accommodation incurred by your staff, utilities and rental of office space for the period prior to registration are not claimable.

A stock account is maintained with these details:
quantities purchased;
quantities used in the making of other goods;
date of purchase; and
date and manner of disposal of all goods after GST registration
The input tax claims are not disallowed under Regulations 26 and 27 of the GST (General) Regulations.
Conditions for claiming GST incurred on services
The services are purchased and supplied to your business for the purpose of making taxable supplies (standard-rated supplies and zero-rated supplies);
The services are not related to goods already supplied or consumed before the date of GST registration;

GST incurred on maintenance services relating to the rental of office space for the period prior to registration is not claimable.
The services are supplied to your business no more than 6 months before the date of GST registration;
The services are not used for the provision of services to your customers before the date of GST registration;

You incurred GST on electrical wiring which you re-billed to your customer prior to your GST registration date. The GST incurred by you is not claimable.
You maintain a record with these details:
description of services purchased;
date of purchase; and
date of disposal of the service (if any)
The input tax claims are not disallowed under Regulations 26 and 27 of the GST (General) Regulations

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使用道具 举报

发表于 7-6-2011 12:13:47|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
回复 Malj 的帖子

如果你公司是注册GST后才买的房产,那么可以claim back GST。
虽然你说只是挂名,但你公司有两个principal activities。持有(投资)资产也算是一种“business”。我做审计时遇到类似的公司,除了持有房产外什么业务都没有,也是可以claim GST的。而且你不一定要在某年度把房产卖掉才算有business。持有房产来出租也算是used for business。


注意“注册GST后才买”“买了才注册GST”,claim GST的要求条件是有些不同的。后者要求比较严格(请参考我上一个贴)。你是买了房产才注册GST。想要Claim回来很麻烦的。要向IRAS提出申请,approval后才可以claim的。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 7-6-2011 13:48:18|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
WAYNEWEI 发表于 7-6-2011 12:13
回复 Malj 的帖子

如果你公司是注册GST后才买的房产,那么可以claim back GST。

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使用道具 举报


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