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[其他] 40岁移民美国的困惑, 去还是不去?

发表于 13-11-2014 14:46:43|来自:台湾 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 flyheart 于 14-11-2014 14:25 编辑

新加坡10多年了, 一且都稳定下来了,感觉还好吧。现在老公的公司想要他去美国总部工作,芝加哥。对他个人来说,算是个机会,毕竟新加坡市场小,做研发在美国好像更适合他,可以去积累些工作经验,问题是老大的学习一直是老公在督促, 马上明年小五了, 如果公司申请L1B签证到,老公年明年初就走, 老大小六会考肯定会受影响。我自己也是全职工作, 有时候很忙的,照顾2个孩子会有些担心。

我是希望老公可以等着老大考完psle后再去,这样他自己去工作1,2年,再决定要不要全家去, 顺便2个孩子再大一点, 多学点华文。

公司准备申请L1B签证, 如果这个签证申请不到或者别的什么,可能会申请H1B。 L1B签证只有5年的期限,根据美国目前的移民状况,中国人申请绿卡都是5,6年的等候时间。如果L1B 5年期满, 想要留下来, 得换去H1B, 老公没有美国的学历,据说这种挺麻烦的。 去的话,就是想要把孩子送上大学,如果出去4,5年再回新加坡, 肯定跟不上本地的速度, 半途而废耽误了孩子的前途.

我已经换新加坡护照了, 如果去美国工作, 可以申请H1B1签证, 就是不知道这种签证可以带家属吗, 万一老公公司有什么闪失, 孩子和老公可以depend on我吗?

关于在新加坡房产,有的还在贷款, 想要靠租金还贷,如果移民的话,不知道这个困扰有多大?

我自己不是很喜欢去美国, 原因之一就是很冷,一年有近半年的时间是冬天,也不可以请女佣,工作之余还有很多家务事要做,离中国很远, 回家看父母不方便。 老大看了很多故事书,她特别想去美国, 又觉得作为父母亲, 不是应该为孩子创造更好的环境吗?而且, 身边那么多朋友都义无反顾的去了美国,大家都是怎样考虑的啊。

现在不明白倒是是要求LIB 好, 还是H1B, 有什么好的美国移民网站可以分享一下吗? 非常谢谢
发表于 13-11-2014 14:54:13|来自:台湾 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 13-11-2014 15:00:16|来自:台湾 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 13-11-2014 15:07:37|来自:台湾 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 13-11-2014 15:19:24|来自:台湾 | 显示全部楼层
Wuhanish 发表于 13-11-2014 15:07

这总共是有多少房产。。。早来几年差别真是大啊,没赶上 ...



也在流口水中。。。  详情 回复 发表于 24-11-2014 15:16
恩,双眼放光,流口水啊...  详情 回复 发表于 13-11-2014 18:54
+10086  详情 回复 发表于 13-11-2014 17:59
同感 同感  详情 回复 发表于 13-11-2014 15:44
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发表于 13-11-2014 16:10:26|来自:台湾 | 显示全部楼层
cbj 发表于 13-11-2014 15:57

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发表于 13-11-2014 17:13:27|来自:台湾 | 显示全部楼层
U.S.-Singapore Free Trade Agreement Professional (H1B1) Visa
The U.S.-Singapore Free Trade Agreement, which took effect on January 1, 2004, created a
new class of non-immigrant work visa for Singaporean citizens: the H1B1. Only Singaporean
citizens are eligible as principal applicants. Singapore Permanent Residents who are citizens
of other nations are not eligible for the H1B1, but non-Singaporean spouses and children of
qualified Singaporean H1B1 applicants are eligible for H-4 visas as dependent family
The visa allows you to live and work in the United States accompanied by your spouse and
dependent children.
To qualify for the USSFTA Professional visa, you must meet the following criteria:
1. The position must be a specialty occupation; that is, it must require theoretical and practical
application of a body of specialized knowledge. Some examples of specialty occupations are
jobs in the fields of engineering, mathematics, physical sciences, computer sciences,
medicine and health care, education, biotechnology, and business specialties such as
management and human resources.
2. You must have a post-secondary degree involving at least four year of study in your field of
3. You cannot be self-employed or an independent contractor.
4. The period of employment in the U.S. must be temporary, so you must demonstrate nonimmigrant
intent. Note: this requirement makes the USSFTA Professional visa different from
the traditional H-1B Temporary Worker visa, as applicants for traditional H-1b visas do not
have to demonstrate that they intend to return to Singapore when the temporary job is
finished. Singaporeans are still eligible to apply for traditional H-1b visas.
5. Unlike a traditional H-1B visa, the employer does not have to submit Form I-129, Petition
for Nonimmigrant Worker, to the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services
(Department of Homeland Security) and you do not need to obtain a Notice of Action, Form
H1B1 visas are multiple-entry and valid for a maximum of 18 months. Extensions and
renewals are allowed.
Supporting Documents
In addition to the items listed below, all H visa applicants must submit the Standard Non-
Immigrant Visa Application Documents.
1. Job letter from your U.S. employer specifying the details of the temporary position
(including job responsibilities, salary and benefits, duration, description of the employing
company, qualifications of the applicant, etc.) and confirming the employment offer.
2. Certified form ETA 9035 or 9035E from the U.S. Department of Labor provided by the
employer; information on how to file for this can be found at the Department of Labor
website. The form must be annotated "SINGAPORE H1B1."
As with many other types of non-immigrant visas, to qualify for the H1B1 you must
demonstrate that you do not intend to immigrate to the United States. Every applicant’s
situation is different, so how individual applicants demonstrate this—including which
documents are submitted—will vary greatly from person to person.
Only spouses and children of H1B1 work visa holders are eligible for derivative (H4) visas.
Parents and other family members are NOT eligible for H4 visas. They may visit a worker for
a temporary period of time if they apply for and receive a tourist visa, or on the Visa Waiver
Program if they are eligible.
Spouses and children, whether accompanying or following to join a worker, should submit a
visa application and recent passport-size photograph for each person. Spouses and children
must present a copy of their marriage certificate or birth certificate, respectively.
PLEASE NOTE: Spouses and children of H visa applicants who are not Singaporean are
strongly encouraged to apply for their visas at the same time as the principal applicant,
regardless of whether they have firm plans to travel to the United States. If the H visa
holder is not present for the application of their non-Singaporean spouse and children, the
applicants may be asked to apply in their home country, where their marriage and birth
documents can be properly verified.
More Information
For information about non-immigrant visas, please see the non-immigrant visa section of
the U.S. Department of State's Consular affairs website. If you have a specific question
about your case, please e-mail the Singapore consular section.
For additional information about how to file a Form I-130 with the USCIS Chicago lockbox,
please see the USCIS website or contact USCIS by phone at 1-800-375-5283


让我知道一下这是从哪个网站来了? 谢谢。  详情 回复 发表于 14-11-2014 14:27
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使用道具 举报

发表于 13-11-2014 17:53:32|来自:台湾 | 显示全部楼层



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发表于 13-11-2014 18:14:56|来自:台湾 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

把几个房子还完 还不要啥有啥?

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发表于 13-11-2014 18:57:52|来自:台湾 | 显示全部楼层
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