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楼主: fenella

[PR] 孕妇裁员补偿

发表于 22-1-2015 16:33:18|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
good99 发表于 22-1-2015 16:17


MOM 网站Maternity Leave:
If employer terminates the employment of a pregnant employee without sufficient cause or retrenched her during any point of her pregnancy (as certified by a registered medical practitioner prior to receiving the notice of termination/dismissal or retrenchment), the employer is required to pay the employee maternity benefits she would have otherwise been eligible for. - See more at:

Employment Act:
Right to benefit unaffected by notice of dismissal given without sufficient cause
84.—(1) Without prejudice to sections 81 and 84A, no notice of dismissal given without sufficient cause by an employer to a female employee which —(b)if given on or after 1st May 2013, is given at any time of her pregnancy (as certified by a medical practitioner before the notice of dismissal is given), where the female employee has served the employer for a period of 3 months or more immediately preceding the day the notice is given; or

shall have the effect of depriving her of any payment to which, but for that notice, she would have been entitled or would, on or before the date of her confinement, have become entitled to under this Part.
84A.—(1) Without prejudice to sections 81 and 84, no notice of dismissal given to a female employee by her employer on the ground of redundancy or by reason of any reorganisation of her employer’s profession, business, trade or work —(b)if given on or after 1st May 2013, is given at any time of her pregnancy (as certified by a medical practitioner before the notice of dismissal is given), where the female employee has served the employer for a period of 3 months or more immediately preceding the day the notice is given; or

shall have the effect of depriving her of any payment to which, but for that notice, she would have been entitled or would, on or before the date of her confinement, have become entitled to under this Part.

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发表于 22-1-2015 21:43:54|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
lansejiayuan007 发表于 22-1-2015 17:37
关键是,没有保证。这些都是good will,你到现在还没搞明白。理论上公司给你几百块,也不违法。这是关键。跟什么公民,PR,准证没关系
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使用道具 举报

发表于 22-1-2015 22:16:14|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层

哈哈,已经和HR谈过了,尘埃落定,谢谢各位提供的信息。全部福利陪到产假结束,加上工作年限的赔偿和notice period。拿钱回国一家团聚了,安心在家带孩子了。。。。总的来说公司还是厚道的!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 22-1-2015 22:55:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 23-1-2015 10:33:13|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
fenella 发表于 22-1-2015 22:16
哈哈,已经和HR谈过了,尘埃落定,谢谢各位提供的信息。全部福利陪到产假结束,加上工作年限的赔偿和notic ...

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使用道具 举报

发表于 23-1-2015 13:58:29|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
fenella 发表于 22-1-2015 22:16
哈哈,已经和HR谈过了,尘埃落定,谢谢各位提供的信息。全部福利陪到产假结束,加上工作年限的赔偿和notic ...

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