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发表于 27-3-2008 00:18:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>蕾蕾抱抱</i>在2008-3-25 4:43:00的发言:</b><br/>水庫馬甲。。。</div><p>是哦,把这个给忘了。</p>[em02]
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发表于 27-3-2008 10:19:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<p>&nbsp;save some money first, buying a house with bank loan , the interest u paid actually can afford another house , the longer term (20 , 30 years ), the more u have to pay , not worth it. </p><p>the&nbsp; bank interest rate seems attrative like 3.75%or 4%p.a.</p><p>however the way they calculate the principal and interest u have to pay is another story.</p><p>eg.asking price 550k,you pay 50k and 500k loan from bank , 20or 30 years loan </p><p>Int : 3.75%*500000*20 years or 3.75%*500000*30years </p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #d52b6f;">=375000&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;=562500&nbsp;&nbsp; <font color="#f7f709"><strong>Interest only</strong> </font></font></p><p>above is only the interest paid over 20 or 30 years </p><p>plus the principal 500k the monthly installment will be </p><p>(375000+500000)/20/12=3645</p><p>(562500+500000)/30/12=2951</p><p>The longer term loan the "less" installment u pany , but actually u pay more in overall.</p><p>That is how the bank make money from us ........</p><p>Buy a property without borrowing from bank is investing , but buy with bank loan is ......."Fang Nu "</p>
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发表于 28-3-2008 17:46:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<p>ls的,你怎么不算算,你攒够钱的那几年,房租交了多少了呢?</p><p>lz说两个例子给你参考下:</p><p>1 认识一个越南人,买了个90w的公寓,自己薪水不够贷款。于是拉上自己老爸(据说在非洲工作),银行给批了。提示,你可以从你爸爸妈妈收入上做点文章。</p><p>2 从uob贷款,用老爸的名字买。结果uob说户主全是外国人的话,首付得要30%。加一个pr进去,就到20%了。要想10%的话,必须是夫妻联名,并且,贷款人只能是夫妻中一个或者一起。</p><p>uob贷款上限的算法是月薪的40%不能低于月供。</p><p>建议,指直接找个银行assitant问。免费,简单,准确。</p><p></p>
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