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楼主: luck1023

[狮城水库] 不知道为什么,论坛很多人有点对新加坡有敌意。

发表于 27-1-2005 23:32:14|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
不过我也不喜欢一概而论,不是说印尼的人没有一个好的。而且人敬你一尺,你应该敬人一丈,可是如果人。。。。,那么就。。。。。。呵呵。 比如说我公司以前就有一个印尼的。本来也没有什么,做工靠的是本事,有能力也好。可是他一进我们公司,就很霸气,对所有的华人说,“今天我来公司了,从今天开始,你们所有的人要听我的,你们所有做的,都要给我看,我说可以出才可以出。“原来他也是没有什么本事的人,出去开会次次被人骂。那时候来公司申请工作的所有的华人,他都REJECT,连INTERVIEW机会都没有给,最后请了一个什么都不会的印尼的人! 他就是看不起华人,(怀疑他有BT心理),不过最后还是被我们赶出去了公司。临走时,就像外面捡垃圾的一样被赶出去。哈哈。。。。
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发表于 27-1-2005 23:15:55|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>wengweng</I>在2005-1-27 13:13:08的发言:</B>

<P>虽然印尼屠华 但是那些华人已经属于印尼人了  或许中国无权干涉太多</P></DIV>

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发表于 28-1-2005 00:03:01|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>master1</I>在2005-1-24 23:13:09的发言:</B>

<P>To ThreadStarter:</P>
<P>Too bad. Chinese are weak and disunited. That is a <B>FACT</B>.</P>
<P>China may be a big country but its people are <B>weak</B> and <B>disunited</B> with many factions <B>SECRETLY</B> fighting each other.</P>
<P>The communist may unite China but at what price? Its citizens are denied of basic human rights and the government</P>
<P>are more corrupted than Suharto and Marcos regime put together.</P>
<P>See, even China government are <B><U>bullying</U></B> their own citizens and what you expect of others ?</P>
<P><FONT color=#ff0000>Unlike Japan, though small but its people are civilized, hardworking, determined and </FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#ff0000>strongly bonded with one another. No one dare bully its citizens.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>Japanese are proud of their origin whereas Chinese are not.</FONT> </P>
<P>Many Chinese do not hesitate to foresaken their identity, root, culture, religion and language </P>
<P>for some cheap ang moh language, culture and religion.</P>
<P>I say the Japan army could easily walk through China again if they decide to do it one </P>
<P>more time. Their modern day military might is not to be taken lightly with.</P>
<P>你一开始的那些,我先不和你说。 不过我就想先从你红色这句说起。我想先问阁下“<FONT color=#ff0000>BE</FONT> <FONT color=#ff0000>civilized</FONT><FONT color=#000000>“是什么意思?!!?如果阁下觉得 “侵~ 略“,“掠~夺”,“打~劫“,“强~奸“这些</FONT>都是你所谓的“be civilized“那么我无话可说,我只能说,中国人做不到这样高级的"be civilized"!!接下来"hardworking",我不想说什么日本人都是什么懒人,没有几个是很辛苦劳动的。因为我不想太放入感性的一面,只想讲事实。对!日本人是有很多很多人是刻苦劳动的,不过日本人的工作作风也是出了名的,是什么样的一个“名”呢?日本人对自己份下的工作,悔恨努力尽力的去完成,可是别人的工作,就会尽量的逃避。也就是可以说是中国人所谓的“只扫自家门前雪!!”(先说明我并没有说这种做法是不好的)。可是中国人呢?我不说每个中国人都是刻苦劳动的,我更加可以坦诚,很多中国人是很懒得,可是不代表中国人,或者说中华民族的人都是懒人!!最好的举例也许就是“铁人王进喜“吧。而且很多人都是不是单以完成“打扫完自己家门前雪“就好了的,很多人都是会主动去帮助别人的!至于接下去的“<FONT color=#ff0000>determined and </FONT>
<P><FONT color=#ff0000>strongly bonded with one another </FONT><FONT color=#000000>" 我不想多加“反驳”,只想问阁下一句,当初在中国侵略的时候,之所以没有最后成功,是因为什么?是因为他们比中国人更加团结呢?是因为他们的心比中国人更加坚定呢?还是因为他们的武器没有中国人的好?还是他们的军事太差了??  最后的那句“<FONT color=#ff0000>No one dare bully its citizens.</FONT>“呵呵,我想问问阁下,日本国内那些可以用“反叛”“指责”或者也可以说“醒世绝句“的文章还有人少吗?? 呵呵,请问你的no one真得那么贴切+正确吗?呵呵。。。 </FONT></P>
<P>至于那句蓝颜色的句子,我想问你,日本人每个人都是以民族意识为上的吗?难道没有一个是叛徒的?是不是上帝特别偏爱日本人而痛恨中国人?!把所有的叛徒都让中国人给生了?! 其他的我就不多说了,今天毕竟不早了。 不过希望言语方面没有太大的得罪之处,我只是为了一个原则“以客观事实的态度来说话“。同时我最后说一句,我也同意有些人说的, “中国人很难团结,一般都是分散的。一片散杀!“ 因为这个是我认为比较客观的一个事实。</P>
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发表于 28-1-2005 11:22:21|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 28-1-2005 14:45:27|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<P>How dare you compare China with Japan?</P>
<P>Japan was controlled and managed by the US after the war and with the financial help from the US, it developed quickly.</P>
<P>As for China, it relied on no one but itself. We strived hard to beat up our economy even after few political crisis.</P>
<P>Moreover, the battlefield was not in Japan other than the 2 nuclear bombs, but everthing was burnt by them here in China, and men were slaughtered.</P>
<P>Most importantly they transported a large amount of treasure back to there country for their own development. That was also the reason why they invaded China. After the industry revolution Japan's economy was really bad so the only way to survive was to rob others.</P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-1-28 14:47:39编辑过]
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发表于 28-1-2005 13:43:39|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<P>我什么都没有说</P><P>如果那些华人加入了印尼国籍的话。。。。</P><P>中国 能说什么???</P>
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发表于 28-1-2005 15:44:59|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
i shall say no more since even a chinese agree with him.
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发表于 28-1-2005 15:50:15|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>GriGri</I>在2005-1-28 15:44:59的发言:</B>
i shall say no more since even a chinese agree with him.</DIV>
<P>so u mean chinese can not point out the problem of china,</P>
<P>but is okay for foreigner to say?</P>
<P>In mainlander every one is saying the same thing as the guy was talking about.</P>
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发表于 28-1-2005 15:32:33|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>master1</I>在2005-1-24 23:13:09的发言:</B>

<P>To ThreadStarter:</P>
<P>Too bad. Chinese are weak and disunited. That is a <B>FACT</B>.</P>
<P>China may be a big country but its people are <B>weak</B> and <B>disunited</B> with many factions <B>SECRETLY</B> fighting each other.</P>
<P>The communist may unite China but at what price? Its citizens are denied of basic human rights and the government</P>
<P>are more corrupted than Suharto and Marcos regime put together.</P>
<P>See, even China government are <B><U>bullying</U></B> their own citizens and what you expect of others ?</P>
<P>Unlike Japan, though small but its people are civilized, hardworking, determined and </P>
<P>strongly bonded with one another. No one dare bully its citizens.</P>
<P>Japanese are proud of their origin whereas Chinese are not. </P>
<P>Many Chinese do not hesitate to foresaken their identity, root, culture, religion and language </P>
<P>for some cheap ang moh language, culture and religion.</P>
<P>I say the Japan army could easily walk through China again if they decide to do it one </P>
<P>more time. Their modern day military might is not to be taken lightly with.</P>
<P>I truly agreed this, and i'm so suprised someone outside china can give such a point of view.</P>
<P>I guess you must originally from china. A foreigner will not able to conclude all this.</P>
<P>Which province do u originally come fr? </P>
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发表于 28-1-2005 22:02:58|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>wengweng</I>在2005-1-28 13:43:39的发言:</B>

<P>中国 能说什么???</P></DIV>

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