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楼主: luck1023

[狮城水库] 不知道为什么,论坛很多人有点对新加坡有敌意。

发表于 31-1-2005 17:53:21|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<P>我们华人有个缺点, 见高就拜, 见低就踩, </P>
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发表于 1-2-2005 17:23:43|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 1-2-2005 22:23:41|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
我真心怀疑楼上楼上的那位是不是没有学过历史啊?还是他学的历史压根就使日本人编写的?!真不知道,如果japan没有us的经济援助,没有us的那么多的技术输入,没有us那么多的支持(当然,代价就是做us听话的拉),最值得注意的是!!如果那时候没有中国的白银,然后在中国土地上面的掠夺,我不知道他那小日本用什么东西来建造成现在的这个样子。 而且你竟然也提到了军事!!我问你!日本可以有自己的对外军事吗?!!他现在的军事是合法的吗?!他全部只有自卫军吗?他可以对外输出军队吗?!他可以发展到现在这个地步的军事吗?!!!你竟然用这个来说他的强大?!你真的是无知!做个比喻,你就像是一个“老师”看到自己的学生考试的时候,作弊,然后拿了高分,却表扬他的成绩!真是2个字来形容“BT”! 另外,这里是论坛,还算ok,如果你在中国的话,如果是以前的话,就凭你那句“it is been saying the capital its gonna move to chengdu of southern china“你就已经不在尘世了!所以请你说话有点依据,不要以为用saying就可以不负责!!至于原子弹的事情,我只想用4个字来说“因果报应”,请你自己去查查,他为什么会得到这2个原子弹的报酬的!
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发表于 2-2-2005 08:58:58|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>GRAND</I>在2005-2-2 8:29:16的发言:</B>

<P>The above, please don't argue with the disgust person who neither is orginal Japanese nor Great Chinese (HongKonger, Taiwanese &amp; Mainland people).</P>
<P>Question "the person" where he is from? What's purpose for him to bring forwar Japan $ China issues here ?</P></DIV>
<P><FONT face=Arial>Really? Sorry, You want to "question" me? Are you good enough for that</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=Arial>Do you want to do it over the phone? I'm good to go.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=Arial>And no, the greater chinese included 56 ethics, that's the Russian, Kazak, Turkmen, MONGOLIAN, one out of 56, they're chinese too.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=Arial>Go to
<a href=";hl=en" target="_blank" ><FONT color=#0000aa>;hl=en</FONT></A></FONT></P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-2-2 9:15:52编辑过]
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发表于 2-2-2005 08:42:56|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2-2-2005 08:18:04|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2-2-2005 08:29:16|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<P>The above, please don't argue with the disgust person who neither is original Japanese nor Great Chinese (HongKonger, Taiwanese &amp; Mainland people).</P>
<P>Question "the person" where he is from? What's purpose for him to bring forwar Japan $ China issues here ?</P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-2-2 11:53:25编辑过]
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发表于 2-2-2005 06:59:40|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>luck1023</I>在2005-2-1 22:23:41的发言:</B>
<P><FONT face=Arial color=#000000>Got a little breakthrough news for you, maybe your comments about how Japan is just kind of waiting for the chance is the problem, if there is one. All that peace talk really gets blown out of the water when someone's mind is revealed thinking the way yours does when you wrote this post. </FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=Arial color=#000000>Keep waiting, I suggest you do as long as possible. It would be bad, real bad no doubt. People like you are in far too much of a hurry to bring back world devastation. </FONT></P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-2-2 7:05:30编辑过]
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发表于 2-2-2005 07:41:06|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>luck1023</I>在2005-2-1 22:23:41的发言:</B>
就凭你那句“it is been saying the capital its gonna move to chengdu of southern china“你就已经不在尘世了!</DIV>
<P><FONT face=Arial>Since you're coupled with ignorance and stubborness(a combination that I loath), and pretty much has no knowledge of it. Here:</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=Arial>"China will have to abandon its capital, Beijing, if it cannot control the desert according to a recent interview in Newsweek with Chinese prime minister Zhu Rongji. </FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=Arial>Bone-dry sand dunes, common all over northwest China, are moving southward at a rate of 2.1 miles every year. They are now 66 miles north of the capital, which means the first dunes could reach Beijing in 16 to 17 years. </FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=Arial>Many environmentalists hold that desert spread, called "desertification," does not result from uncontrollable natural processes but from human practices that create fragile ecosystems. However, historical and archaeological evidence indicates that desertification has been going on relentlessly for some 5000 years in one particular swath of the globe. </FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=Arial>Maps show most of the world's deserts lie within two bands. One is between 20 and 40 degrees north latitude, and includes the American southwest and northern Mexico in our hemisphere and the Sahara, Arabian, Iranian, Baluchistan, Sindh and Rajasthan deserts in the Eastern Hemisphere. </FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=Arial>A similar band between 30 and 50 degrees north latitude contains the Takla Makan and Gobi deserts. Beijing is at the eastern extreme of this band."</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=Arial><a href="" target="_blank" ></A> -- The desertification of China
<a href=",1870,31405,00.html" target="_blank" >,1870,31405,00.html</A> -- Beijing hit by year's worst sandstorm</FONT></P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-2-2 7:43:22编辑过]
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发表于 2-2-2005 06:48:32|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<FONT face=Arial>
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>luck1023</I>在2005-2-1 22:23:41的发言:</B>
<P><FONT face=Arial>Why give up so soon? I ask only your source that proves my so called "nonscencial". Do not press on too much pride. For you've done nothing but rant. So far I've asked you to tell me why should I accepting without accepted your point as whole, but all you've done is cower away like a scared puppy and fail to give any solid reason. But even worse is that to dispatch up your ignorance and incompetence, you've resorted to name calling and shown nothing but the crap such as its been "nonscencial moron". Do not attempt to mince words with me, I know very much what your so called "nonscencial moron" agreed is.</FONT></P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-2-2 7:52:19编辑过]
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