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[狮城水库] 不知道为什么,论坛很多人有点对新加坡有敌意。

发表于 29-1-2005 03:16:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<P>i dun think sg got ppl could become such a "china pro"</P><P>i tot sg ppl only know to make money.</P>
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发表于 29-1-2005 01:13:19|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>GriGri</I>在2005-1-28 14:45:27的发言:</B>
<P>How dare you compare China with Japan?</P>
<P>Japan was controlled and managed by the US after the war and with the financial help from the US, it developed quickly.</P>
<P>As for China, it relied on no one but itself. We strived hard to beat up our economy even after few political crisis.</P></DIV>
<P>If a country such as Japan is not united, hardworking, determined and strongly bonded, </P>
<P>they will never succeed no matter how much financial aids you give them.</P>
<P>If the same financial aids is given to China, do you think it will develop just </P>
<P>as quick as Japan ?</P>
<P>The answer is NO. Why you may ask ?</P>
<P>It is because most of the money will go into the pocket of the many corrupted officials instead</P>
<P>of its people.</P>

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-1-29 1:14:35编辑过]
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发表于 29-1-2005 01:19:59|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>fei</I>在2005-1-28 15:32:33的发言:</B>

<P>I truly agreed this, and i'm so suprised someone outside china can give such a point of view.</P>
<P>I guess you must originally from china. A foreigner will not able to conclude all this.</P>
<P>Which province do u originally come fr? </P></DIV>
<P>No, I'm not from China.
<P>A true blue foreigner as you put it.</P>
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发表于 29-1-2005 01:30:43|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>master1</I>在2005-1-29 1:19:59的发言:</B>

<P>No, I'm not from China.

<P>A true blue foreigner as you put it.</P></DIV>
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发表于 28-1-2005 22:45:38|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>fei</I>在2005-1-28 15:32:33的发言:</B>

<P>I truly agreed this, and i'm so suprised someone outside china can give such a point of view.</P>
<P>I guess you must originally from china. A foreigner will not able to conclude all this.</P>
<P>Which province do u originally come fr? </P></DIV>
<P>你赞同他的观点,我不觉得奇怪,而且他的观点中确实有比较现实比较真实的一面。可是让我奇怪的是,为什么可以说出这种观点的就一定是中国人呢?!我虽然不是说中国人不能给出这个观点,不过为什么非中国人就不可以呢?评论一件事情一个国家,不是看他的本身是什么国家的。而是看他是用什么眼光什么心态(还有其他很多方面)去看问题的。不然的话,像你那么说,中国之外,就没有一个人可以了解中国的了?呵呵,那么岂不是一个笑话?要放开眼睛看世界,不能只是一气用事满腔热血的说 只有中国人才是最英明的,最看得出事理的。。。。除非真的有一天,这个就是事实。 呵呵,希望有吧。</P>
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发表于 28-1-2005 23:10:06|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>fei</I>在2005-1-28 15:50:15的发言:</B>

<P>so u mean chinese can not point out the problem of china,</P>
<P>but is okay for foreigner to say?</P>
<P>In mainlander every one is saying the same thing as the guy was talking about.</P></DIV>
<P>呵呵。。。。我想他不是这个意思吧。 我也可以体会你的爱国之心。</P>
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发表于 29-1-2005 06:59:02|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 29-1-2005 15:04:12|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>master1</I>在2005-1-29 1:13:19的发言:</B>

<P>If a country such as Japan is not united, hardworking, determined and strongly bonded, </P>
<P>they will never succeed no matter how much financial aids you give them.</P>
<P>If the same financial aids is given to China, do you think it will develop just </P>
<P>as quick as Japan ?</P>
<P>The answer is NO. Why you may ask ?</P>
<P>It is because most of the money will go into the pocket of the many corrupted officials instead</P>
<P>of its people.</P>

<P>至于日本,确确实实,我很承认,他的经济发展的很快。不过为什么会发展的那么快呢?作为一个国家,一般会把生产的总值分为几块地方运用,那些发展贫困地方用的经费,改造旧设施用的经费,海外投资用的经费,先都不要说了,先说说重点的吧,最主要是直接的经济再生产,其他还有很大的一部分是用来作为军事建设的!请您注意一点,军事建设所需要的钱不比一般的生产建设少多少,因为如果一个国家没有很好的军事,那么就没有深厚的保障了。至于日本呢?他那么多年被迫从军事建设上面省下来的钱,你觉得很少吗?你觉得中国有几个或者说几万个贪官敢拿这个数目的钱?! 而且从数目上来说,其实中国每年的国民生产总值已经是不能和日本比了。在这种情况下,还要抽出很多作为军事建设,而且中国的国土比日本大多少也不用我说了。而且那么多地方需要初步发展建设,所以真正可以运用的钱比日本少很多很多。在这种情况下,达到这样的发展速度+水平,难道还需要那么的妄自菲薄吗?!
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发表于 29-1-2005 15:06:28|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>fei</I>在2005-1-29 3:16:00的发言:</B>

<P>i dun think sg got ppl could become such a "china pro"</P>
<P>i tot sg ppl only know to make money.</P></DIV>
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发表于 31-1-2005 18:53:18|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>GriGri</I>在2005-1-28 14:45:27的发言:</B>
<P>How dare you compare China with Japan?</P>
<P>Japan was controlled and managed by the US after the war and with the financial help from the US, it developed quickly.</P>
<P>As for China, it relied on no one but itself. We strived hard to beat up our economy even after few political crisis.</P>
<P>Moreover, the battlefield was not in Japan other than the 2 nuclear bombs, but everthing was burnt by them here in China, and men were slaughtered.</P>
<P>Most importantly they transported a large amount of treasure back to there country for their own development. That was also the reason why they invaded China. After the industry revolution Japan's economy was really bad so the only way to survive was to rob others.</P></DIV>
<P>I even compare it with India, and no, Japan wasn't controlled and managed by the US after the war. Japan had already becomes self-sufficient after the 50s. Go and look up the history of government parties in power from the end of WWII up until present. They were kept this way since the 50s because America didn't want Japan turning communist during the Cold War like many of the other Asian nations (also the reason why Japan has the second highest number of US military bases in the world--second only to the US). </P>
<P>As for china, most of the china-land are still in the arid land even place like beijing (since you're from beijing) having desert sand storm, it is been saying the capital its gonna move to chengdu of southern china.</P>
<P>The battlefield was not in Japan other than the 2 nuclear bombs?? -- Knowing how the maries fight their own way all across Tarawa to Tokyo, and no, everthing was burnt by the chinese govt themselves in china it has nothing to do with the Imperial Japan.</P>
<P>And how are those "treasure" as you claimed was going to benefit the econ of Japan after they had carried back. There is nothing clear and straight on your part. Your over sino centric view and inability to clearly give a reason for your argument shows that it doesn't have a solid base to back up. The sole argument you have is that its "commonly" agreed only by the PRCs, such argument is laughable and would get you no where in the reality of facts. </P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-1-31 18:55:30编辑过]
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